Page 114 - Šolsko polje, XXXI, 2020, 3-4: Convention on the Rights of the Child: Educational Opportunities and Social Justice, eds. Zdenko Kodelja and Urška Štremfel
P. 114
šolsko polje, letnik xxxi, številka 3–4

1986, p. 35). Yet, such justifiability of the parents’ intervention is problem-
atic considering John Rawls’ warning: “imagine two persons in full pos-
session of their reason and who will affirm different religious or philo-
sophical beliefs, and suppose that there is some psychological process that
will convert each to the other’s view, despite the fact that the process is im-
posed upon them against their wishes. In due course, let us suppose, both
will come to accept conscientiously their new beliefs. We are still not per-
mitted to submit them to this treatment” (Rawls, 1972, p. 249).

Therefore, following ratification of the Convention on the Rights of
the Child, the question arises as to how the State, which shall equally re-
spect the rights of both parents and children, should ensure the condi-
tions for implementation of the child’s right without simultaneously vio-
lating the same right of their parents.


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