Page 205 - Šolsko polje, XXX, 2019, št. 3-4: Nasilje, šola, družba II, ur. Mitja Sardoč in Barbara Japelj Pavešić
P. 205
delines to the authors
The submission of an article to the Šolsko polje journal should be between 7.000 to 10.000 words long. At the
beginning it should include
- the author’s name and address;
- a summary in both Slovene and English (from 300 to 350 words);
- 5 keywords in both Slovene and English;
- a short presentation of the author in both Slovene and English (each of up to 100 words) including his/
her institutional affiliation.
The submission should be accompanied by a statement that the submission is not being considered for
publication in any other journal or book collection.
The spacing of the article should be double spaced, the font Times New Roman (size 12 in the main text and size
10 in the footnotes). Paragraphs should be indicated using an empty row. There are three types of hierarchical
subheadings, which should be numbered as follows:
For emphasis, use italics only. Words in a foreign language should also be italicized. Use self-numbered footnotes.
Double quotations marks should be used for quotes in the text and single quotation marks for quotes within
quotes. Longer quotations (more than 5 lines) should be extracted in separate paragraphs and separated from
the rest of the text by omitting the rows and by having an indentation to the right. The source of the quotation
should be in round brackets at the end of the quotation, e.g. (Benjamin, 1974, pp. 42–44).
Please mark in the text the place where a graphic product (tables, diagrams, charts, etc..) should be included, e.g.
[Table 1 about here]. These products should be attached in a separate file (in ‘eps’, ‘ai’, ‘tif ’ or ‘jpg’ format [300 dpi
resolution]). The table title should be above the relevant table or the graph.
The source in the text should be referred to as follows: (Ducrot, 1988). Please quote the page for a: (Foucault,
1991, p. 57). If there are three authors, please refer as (Bradbury, Boyle and Morse, 2002) or (Taylor et al., 1978)
for four or more authors.
For the works of an author that were published in the same year, distinguish between them by adding small
letters (a, b, c, etc.), e.g. (Bourdieu, 1996a). Repeatedly cited works should use the following: (ibid.). Please, use
the following style for each of publication:
Bradbury, I., Boyle, J., and Morse, A. (2002) Scientific Principles for Physical Geographers. Harlow: Prentice Hall.
Garber, M. (1999) Symptoms of Culture. Harmondsworth: Penguin.
Journal Articles:
Kerr, D. (1999b) Changing the political culture: the advisory group on education for citizenship and the
teaching of democracy in schools. Oxford Review of Education. 25 (1–2), pp. 25–35.
Book chapters:
Walzer, M. (1992) The Civil Society Argument. In: Mouffe, Ch. (ed.). Dimensions of Radical Democracy: Pluralism,
Citizenship and Community. London: Routledge.
Websites: (5. 5. 2008).
Šolsko polje, Mestni trg 17, 1000 Ljubljana; tel.: 01 4201 240, fax: 01 4201 266,
Šolsko polje, Slovensko društvo raziskovalcev šolskega polja, Mestni trg 17, 1000
Ljubljana, e-pošta:; tel.: 01 420 12 53, fax: 01 420 12 66
The submission of an article to the Šolsko polje journal should be between 7.000 to 10.000 words long. At the
beginning it should include
- the author’s name and address;
- a summary in both Slovene and English (from 300 to 350 words);
- 5 keywords in both Slovene and English;
- a short presentation of the author in both Slovene and English (each of up to 100 words) including his/
her institutional affiliation.
The submission should be accompanied by a statement that the submission is not being considered for
publication in any other journal or book collection.
The spacing of the article should be double spaced, the font Times New Roman (size 12 in the main text and size
10 in the footnotes). Paragraphs should be indicated using an empty row. There are three types of hierarchical
subheadings, which should be numbered as follows:
For emphasis, use italics only. Words in a foreign language should also be italicized. Use self-numbered footnotes.
Double quotations marks should be used for quotes in the text and single quotation marks for quotes within
quotes. Longer quotations (more than 5 lines) should be extracted in separate paragraphs and separated from
the rest of the text by omitting the rows and by having an indentation to the right. The source of the quotation
should be in round brackets at the end of the quotation, e.g. (Benjamin, 1974, pp. 42–44).
Please mark in the text the place where a graphic product (tables, diagrams, charts, etc..) should be included, e.g.
[Table 1 about here]. These products should be attached in a separate file (in ‘eps’, ‘ai’, ‘tif ’ or ‘jpg’ format [300 dpi
resolution]). The table title should be above the relevant table or the graph.
The source in the text should be referred to as follows: (Ducrot, 1988). Please quote the page for a: (Foucault,
1991, p. 57). If there are three authors, please refer as (Bradbury, Boyle and Morse, 2002) or (Taylor et al., 1978)
for four or more authors.
For the works of an author that were published in the same year, distinguish between them by adding small
letters (a, b, c, etc.), e.g. (Bourdieu, 1996a). Repeatedly cited works should use the following: (ibid.). Please, use
the following style for each of publication:
Bradbury, I., Boyle, J., and Morse, A. (2002) Scientific Principles for Physical Geographers. Harlow: Prentice Hall.
Garber, M. (1999) Symptoms of Culture. Harmondsworth: Penguin.
Journal Articles:
Kerr, D. (1999b) Changing the political culture: the advisory group on education for citizenship and the
teaching of democracy in schools. Oxford Review of Education. 25 (1–2), pp. 25–35.
Book chapters:
Walzer, M. (1992) The Civil Society Argument. In: Mouffe, Ch. (ed.). Dimensions of Radical Democracy: Pluralism,
Citizenship and Community. London: Routledge.
Websites: (5. 5. 2008).
Šolsko polje, Mestni trg 17, 1000 Ljubljana; tel.: 01 4201 240, fax: 01 4201 266,
Šolsko polje, Slovensko društvo raziskovalcev šolskega polja, Mestni trg 17, 1000
Ljubljana, e-pošta:; tel.: 01 420 12 53, fax: 01 420 12 66