Page 216 - Šolsko polje, XXVIII, 2017, no. 3-4: Education and the American Dream, ed. Mitja Sardoč
P. 216
šolsko polje, letnik xxviii, številka 3–4

je na Chapman University (ZDA). Je nagrajeni avtor in politični aktivist.
Njegovo delo je prevedeno v trideset jezikov.
Michael A. Peters
Michael A. Peters is Distinguished Visiting Professor at the School of So-
ciology, Beijing Normal University, Professor of Education at the Uni-
versity of Waikato, New Zealand and Emeritus Professor in Educational
Policy, Organization, and Leadership at the University of Illinois at Ur-
bana–Champaign. He is the executive editor of the journal, Education-
al Philosophy and Theory, and founding editor of five international jour-
nals, Policy Futures in Education, E-Learning and Digital Media (SAGE),
and Knowledge Cultures (Addleton), The Video Journal of Education and
Pedagogy (Springer), Open Review of Education Research (T&F). His in-
terests are in philosophy, education and social policy and he has written
over eighty books, including most recently: Wittgenstein and Education:
Pedagogical Investigations, (2017) with Jeff Stickney, The Global Financial
Crisis and the Restructuring of Education (2015), Paulo Freire: The Global
Legacy (2015) both with Tina Besley, Education Philosophy and Politics:
Selected Works  (2011);  Education, Cognitive Capitalism and Digital La-
bour (2011), with Ergin Bulut; and Neoliberalism and After? Education,
Social Policy and the Crisis of Capitalism (2011).
Michael A. Peters je gostujoči profesor na Fakulteti za sociologijo (Bei-
jing Normal University), profesor vzgoje in izobraževanja na Univerzi v
Waikatu na Novi Zelandiji ter zaslužni profesor za izobraževalne poli-
tike, organizacijo in vodenje na University of Illinois v Urbana–Cham-
paign (ZDA). Je izvršni urednik revije Educational Philosophy and Theo-
ry in ustanovitni urednik petih mednarodnih revij, in sicer Policy Futures
in Education, E-Learning and Digital Media (SAGE) ter Knowledge Cul-
tures (Addleton), The Video Journal of Education and Pedagogy (Springer),
Open Review of Education Research (T&F). Njegovi interesi so v filozofiji,
izobraževanju ter socialnih politikah. Napisal je več kot osemdeset knjig,
med njimi tudi Wittgenstein and Education: Pedagogical Investigations,
(2017) skupaj Jeffom Stickneyjem, The Global Financial Crisis and the Re-
structuring of Education (2015), Paulo Freire: The Global Legacy (2015) obe s
Tino Besley, Education Philosophy and Politics: Selected Works (2011); Ed-
ucation, Cognitive Capitalism and Digital Labour (2011), z Ergin Bulut;
ter Neoliberalism and After? Education, Social Policy and the Crisis of Cap-
italism (2011).

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