Page 195 - Šolsko polje, XXX, 2019, št. 1-2: Nasilje, šola, družba I, ur. Mitja Sardoč in Barbara Japelj Pavešić
P. 195
avtorji ■ authors

Her most recent publications include papers From surveillance to co-vi-
ewing: strategies and responses to smartphone regulation within a family
context (with S. Zepan, Anthropological notebooks, 2018) and Media re-
pertoires and discursive communities: studying audiences in the multimedia
age (with B. Luthar, Communications, 2017).

Mitja Sardoč (PhD)
je zaposlen kot raziskovalec na Pedagoškem inštitutu v Ljubljani, kjer je
član programske skupine »Družbena pogodba v 21. stoletju«. Je avtor
znanstvenih in strokovnih člankov s širšega področja vzgoje in izobraže-
vanja ter urednik vrste tematskih številk domačih in tujih znanstvenih
revij s področja državljanske vzgoje, multikulturalizma, enakih možnosti
itn. Je glavni urednik revije Theory and Research in Education ter član ure-
dniškega odbora revij Šolsko polje in Educational Philosophy and Theory
ter Open Review of Educational Research. Je tudi urednik dveh zbornikov,
ki sta izšli pri založbi Blackwell (Citizenship, Inclusion and Democracy
ter Toleration, Respect and Recognition in Education), avtor monogra-
fije Multikulturalizem: pro et contra ter soavtor monografije Enake mo-
žnosti in družbena (ne)enakost v družbi znanja. Je urednik publikacije
Handbook of Patriotism, ki bo leta 2019 izšla pri založbi Springer.

Mitja Sardoč (PhD)
is a senior research associate at the Educational Research Institute in
Ljubljana (Slovenia) where he is member of the ‘Social Contract in the 21st
Century’ research programme. He is author of scholarly articles and ed-
itor of a number of journal special issues on citizenship education, mul-
ticulturalism, toleration, equality of opportunity and patriotism. He is
Managing Editor of Theory and Research in Education (http://tre.sagepub.
com/) and member of the editorial board of Educational Philosophy and
Theory and the Open Review of Educational Research. He edited two books
published by Wiley (Citizenship, Inclusion and Democracy and Toleration,
Respect and Recognition in Education). He is also a contributing author
to the SAGE Encyclopedia of Educational Theory and Philosophy. He is
editor-in-chief of The Handbook of Patriotism (http://refworks.springer.
com/ Patriotism) that is to be published by Springer in 2019.

Ajda Šulc
je doktorska kandidatka na Fakulteti za družbene vede Univerze v
Ljubljani, in sicer s področja družboslovne metodologije, kjer se ukvar-
ja z metodološkimi vidiki raziskovanja kibernetskega medvrstniškega na-
dlegovanja. Kot sodelavka pri Spletnem očesu je aktivna na projektih, ki

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