Page 201 - Šolsko polje, XXVIII, 2017, no. 1-2: Etika in šola, ur. Marjan Šimenc in Mitja Sardoč
P. 201

ji, Avstraliji, Severni Ameriki in Evropi. Leta 2015 je bil tudi predsednik
programskega odbora znanstvene konference Vzgojno-izobraževalne pa-
radigme, ki se je odvijala na Pedagoški fakulteti Univerze na Primorskem.
Tomaž Grušovnik is assistant professor for philosophy of education at the
Faculty of Education, University of Primorska, and scientific associate at
the same institution. His main interests are environmental ethics, animal
ethics, philosophy of education and history of education. He published
two books in Slovenian – Shades of Green: Humanist Perspective of Envi-
ronmental Problematic (Koper, 2011) and Animal Ethics – On Transspe-
cies Hospitality (Koper, 2016), dealing in important aspects with educa­
tion and awareness-raising in the field of environmental and animal ethics
in connection, with special emphasis on the problem of denialism. His re­
search in the field of philosophy of education thus focuses on the issue of
quality education in the face of denialism and interrelated tendency of a
subject to avoid knowledge. Grušovnik published several scientific papers
in various journal, edited and co-edited several monographs, and lectured
at different institutions in Asia, Australia, North America and Europe. In
2015 he chaired program committee of the scientific conference “Educa­
tional Paradigms” that took place at the University of Primorska. 
Zdenko Kodelja
Zdenko Kodelja je raziskovalec in vodja Centra za filozofijo vzgoje na Pe­
dagoškem inštitutu v Ljubljani.
Zdenko Kodelja is a researcher and the Head of the Centre for Philosophy
of Education at the Educational Research Institute in Ljubljana
Mitja Sardoč
Mitja Sardoč (PhD) je zaposlen kot raziskovalec na Pedagoškem inštitutu
v Ljubljani, kjer je član programske skupine Družbena pogodba v 21. sto­
letju. Je avtor znanstvenih in strokovnih člankov s širšega področja vzgo­
je in izobraževanja ter urednik vrste tematskih številk domačih in tujih
znanstvenih revij s področja državljanske vzgoje, multikulturalizma, ena­
kih možnosti itn. Je glavni urednik revije Theory and Research in Educati-
on, odgovorni urednik revije Šolsko polje ter član uredniškega odbora revij
Educational Philosophy and Theory ter Open Review of Educational Rese-
arch. Je tudi urednik dveh zbornikov, ki sta izšli pri založbi Blackwell (Ci-
tizenship, Inclusion and Democracy ter Toleration, Respect and Recognition
in Education), avtor monografije Multikulturalizem: pro et contra ter so­
avtor monografije Enake možnosti in družbena (ne)enakost v družbi zna-
nja. Je urednik publikacije Handbook of Patriotism, ki bo izšla pri založ­
bi Springer.

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