Page 169 - Ana Mlekuž in Igor Ž. Žagar, ur. • Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju: Izobraževanje učiteljic in učiteljev za raziskovalno učenje in poučevanje. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2024. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 48
P. 169

longitudinal analysis of covid-19 anxiety and mental well-being during lockdown ...
                 3.1  Descriptive Results
            Means, standard deviations and correlations between the scales used at
            four time-points (mental well-being, COVID-19 anxiety) and the time-in-
            variant covariates (emotional self-efficacy, practicing mindfulness) are pre-
            sented in Table 27. The descriptive statistics for mental well-being show that
            participants reported a gradual increase in levels of mental well-being from
            T1 to T3, followed by a decrease at T4, while the levels of COVID-19 anxie-
            ty decreased from T1 to T4. Skewness and kurtosis values were considered
            acceptable for all included variables, and therefore no variables needed to
            be transformed.
                 Mental well-being was positively connected to emotional self-efficacy
            at all time-points except for t4, and it was only positively correlated with
            practicing mindfulness in T3. COVID-19 anxiety was negatively correlated
            with emotional self-efficacy in T1, and was not connected with practicing
            mindfulness at all (see Table 27).

            Table 27: Descriptive statistics and correlations between mental well-being, COVID-19
            anxiety and selected covariates
                                                         Emotional    Practicing
                               M   SD  Skewness Kurtosis
                                                        self-efficacy  mindfulness
             Mental well-being (T1)  3.72  0.59  0.18  -0.89  .69***     .07
             Mental well-being (T2)  3.77 0.63  -0.01  0.12  .61***      .21
             Mental well-being (T3)  3.91 0.64  -0.51  0.38  .65**      .48*
             Mental well-being (T4)  3.83 0.82  -1.04  0.04  .40        -.16
             COVID-19 anxiety (T1)  2.58 0.96  0.23  -0.72  -.41**       .01
             COVID-19 anxiety (T2)  2.24 0.82  0.14  -0.94  -.21         .16
             COVID-19 anxiety (T3)  1.98 0.73  0.38  0.18  -.23          .03
             COVID-19 anxiety (T4)  1.69 0.81  1.08  0.72  .24           .20
             M                                             3.73         0.78
             SD                                            0.61         0.42
             Skewness                                      0.05         -1.38
             Kurtosis                                      -0.22        -0.09
            Notes: *p < .05, **p < .01, ***p < .001.

                 3.2  Latent Growth Curve Models

                 3.2.1  Unconditional LGC models
            Unconditional  LGC  models  (measurement  model,  without  covariates)
            were used to calculate the intra-individual differences in the growth path

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