Page 172 - Ana Mlekuž in Igor Ž. Žagar, ur. • Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju: Izobraževanje učiteljic in učiteljev za raziskovalno učenje in poučevanje. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2024. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 48
P. 172

raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju: izobraževanje učiteljic in učiteljev ...

                 COVID -19        COVID-19          COVID-19          COVID-19
                 anxiety           anxiety           anxiety           anxiety
                   T1                T2                T3               T4

                         Intercept                            Slope

                                            -.11 ᵃ


                     Emotional                                  Practising
                     self-efficacy                               mindfulness

                 Figure 16: The conditional LGC model for COVID-19 anxiety, measured
                 at four time-points (T1-T4), including two covariates (emotional self-
                 efficacy and practicing mindfulness). The numbers are the unstandardised
                 coefficient estimates. Solid lines represent significant paths and dashed lines
                 indicate non-significant paths or correlations. **p< .01,  p < .10.
            cept of COVID-19 anxiety, meaning that those who are more emotionally
            self-efficient had experienced less COVID-19 anxiety in the initial starting
            point. Emotional self-efficacy was also connected significantly and posi-
            tively to the rate of change over time, and significantly and positively con-
            nected to the rate of change over time represented by the slope. According
            to Curran et al. (2004), a significant regression coefficient in the relation-
            ship between predictors in slope is necessary but does not provide suffi-
            cient information on its own to explain the complex effects. Additional
            information from the plot (see Figure 17) is needed to interpret the re-
            gression coefficient. Participants with less ability in emotional self-effi-
            cacy thus experienced a steeper decrease in COVID-19 anxiety, but their
            COVID-19 anxiety was higher to begin with. Practicing mindfulness was
            not significantly connected to either of the parameters. Participants with
            lower ability in emotional self-efficacy experienced a steeper decrease in
            COVID-19 anxiety, but their COVID-19 anxiety was higher to begin with.
            Practicing mindfulness was not significantly connected to either of the

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