Page 108 - Ana Kozina and Nora Wiium, eds. ▪︎ Positive Youth Development in Contexts. Ljubljana: Educational Research Institute, 2021. Digital Library, Dissertationes (Scientific Monographs), 42.
P. 108
positive youth development in contexts

vezane na dinamiko medvrstniškega nasilja v mladostništvu. S poudarkom
na dejavnikih na ravni razreda prikažemo večnivojsko naravo dejavnikov
medvrstniškega nasilja ter opredelimo tiste značilnosti vrstniških skupin
kot ključnih razvojnih kontekstov mladostnikov, ki sodoločajo razvoj dina-
mike medvrstniškega nasilja. Ob tem še dodatno relevantnost usmerjanja
pozornosti na dejavnike medvrstniškega nasilja na ravni razreda uteme-
ljujemo s posebnostmi slovenskega izobraževalnega sistema. Zaključimo,
da je za celostno razumevanje medvrstniškega nasilja ključno preučevanje
interakcij med individualnimi značilnostmi učencev in značilnostmi ra-
zredov kot ključnih referenčnih skupin v obdobju šolanja, kar je tudi ena
ključnih predpostavk modela pozitivnega razvoja mladih.
Ključne besede: vrstniki, medvrstniško nasilje, značilnosti razreda, preven-
tive, vključujoča vrstniška kultura


Bullying, defined as aggressive, goal-directed behaviour that harms an-
other individual within the context of a power imbalance (Volk et al.,
2017) is a complex phenomenon that is inevitably embedded in a group
context since it reflects the nature of peer relationships within the class-
room or in any other peer group. In addition, bullying reflects school-level
attitudes, skills and policies associated with the enhancement of an inclu-
sive peer culture and bullying prevention. This means that the classroom-
and school-level factors of bullying are crucial to a comprehensive under-
standing of bullying that provides the scientific background to bullying
prevention. The present article reviews the results of studies that investi-
gated the school- and classroom-level factors of bullying in Slovenia and
abroad and places them in the context of the PYD model. Further, the role
of an inclusive school- and classroom-level culture in bullying prevention
is justified. As crucial developmental contexts for students, the peer group
characteristics that co-determine the dynamics of bullying (and thereby
bullying prevention) are presented. The main aim of this review is to out-
line current scientific conceptualisations and findings concerning bully-
ing dynamics in adolescence and to highlight the role of systematic efforts
in creating inclusive developmental contexts for adolescents and enhanc-
ing the stage–environment fit (Eccles et al., 1993) of adolescents’ educa-
tional experiences.

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