Page 408 - Igor Ž. Žagar in Ana Mlekuž, ur. Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju: mednarodni vidiki vzgoje in izobraževanja. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2020. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 38
P. 408
r aziskovanje v vzgoji in izobr aževanju: mednarodni vidki vzgoje in izobr aževanja
Redno se udeležuje strokovnih usposabljanj. Kot avtorica več projektov so-
deluje s kolegi iz drugih šol in vzgojno-izobraževalnih ustanov.
Jelena Mucić is a chemistry teacher at elementary schools “Jovan Ducic”
and “Mladost” in Belgrade. As a member of the School Teams for Devel-
opment Plan, Vocational Orientation and Professional Development, she
works on improving teaching. She has several awards and published pro-
fessional papers related to the teaching and promotion of chemistry. She
is an external associate of the Institute for the Advancement of Education
and for the Evaluation of the Quality of Education in the Republic of Ser-
bia. She regularly undergoes professional training. As the author of sever-
al projects, she collaborates with colleagues from other schools and educa-
tional institutions.
Jovana Vasić je psihologinja na Osnovni šoli Mladost v Beogradu. Kot stro-
kovna sodelavka sodeluje pri pripravi šolskih dokumentov v zvezi z let-
nim delovnim načrtom šole ter izboljšanjem izobraževalnih in učnih pro-
cesov. Skupaj z učenci in njihovimi starši nudi svetovanje o učnih težavah
in svetovanje o medosebnih, vrstniških in družinskih odnosih. Objavila je
več znanstvenih raziskav o poučevanju, učenju in vedenju mladih. Neneh-
no se strokovno izpopolnjuje in obiskuje program za pridobitev certifika-
ta REBT.
Jovana Vasić is a psychologist at elementary school Mladost in Belgrade. As
an expert associate she participates in making school documents regard-
ing the school work plan and improving education and learning processes.
Together with the students and their parents, she provides counseling on
the learning difficulties as well as counseling on the interpersonal relations
between classmates and on the family relations. She has published multi-
ple scientific researches about teaching, learning and young people behav-
ior. She is constantly developing further professionally, and she is attending
classes to obtain a REBT certificate.
Redno se udeležuje strokovnih usposabljanj. Kot avtorica več projektov so-
deluje s kolegi iz drugih šol in vzgojno-izobraževalnih ustanov.
Jelena Mucić is a chemistry teacher at elementary schools “Jovan Ducic”
and “Mladost” in Belgrade. As a member of the School Teams for Devel-
opment Plan, Vocational Orientation and Professional Development, she
works on improving teaching. She has several awards and published pro-
fessional papers related to the teaching and promotion of chemistry. She
is an external associate of the Institute for the Advancement of Education
and for the Evaluation of the Quality of Education in the Republic of Ser-
bia. She regularly undergoes professional training. As the author of sever-
al projects, she collaborates with colleagues from other schools and educa-
tional institutions.
Jovana Vasić je psihologinja na Osnovni šoli Mladost v Beogradu. Kot stro-
kovna sodelavka sodeluje pri pripravi šolskih dokumentov v zvezi z let-
nim delovnim načrtom šole ter izboljšanjem izobraževalnih in učnih pro-
cesov. Skupaj z učenci in njihovimi starši nudi svetovanje o učnih težavah
in svetovanje o medosebnih, vrstniških in družinskih odnosih. Objavila je
več znanstvenih raziskav o poučevanju, učenju in vedenju mladih. Neneh-
no se strokovno izpopolnjuje in obiskuje program za pridobitev certifika-
ta REBT.
Jovana Vasić is a psychologist at elementary school Mladost in Belgrade. As
an expert associate she participates in making school documents regard-
ing the school work plan and improving education and learning processes.
Together with the students and their parents, she provides counseling on
the learning difficulties as well as counseling on the interpersonal relations
between classmates and on the family relations. She has published multi-
ple scientific researches about teaching, learning and young people behav-
ior. She is constantly developing further professionally, and she is attending
classes to obtain a REBT certificate.