Page 131 - Štremfel, Urška, and Maša Vidmar (eds.). 2018. Early School Leaving: Training Perspectives. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut.
P. 131
the student’s academic self-concept and its link with esl
development of academic self-concept and presents the role teachers play in
it. Moreover, it offers some practical suggestions for teachers to use in peda-
gogical practice. It includes some examples and suggestions for teachers to
consider while giving students feedback on their school work and achieve-
ments so as to support the development of a healthy academic self-concept.
The article is based on a review of the literature entailing searches in the
PsycINFO, ERIC, Proquest, Science Direct and Google scholar, Proquest
Dissertation & Theses Global databases. Key words used in the literature
search were predictors for ESL, self-concept, academic self-concept, self-ef-
ficacy, school achievements, motivation for school work, school dropout
etc. For the purposes of the article, we mainly considered scientific papers
and some scientific books available online.
Development of self-concept and academic self-concept
Self-concept is defined as a person’s conception of themselves (Bong &
Skaalvik, 2003). It includes the set of characteristics, abilities, attitudes and
values a person believes defines them. Although self-concept can be viewed
and measured as a general construct, studies show it is multidimensional
and that it should be defined and measured in different areas of life, such
as academic self-concept or self-concept with respect to reading etc. (Bong
& Skaalvik, 2003).
The development of self is a process of various interrelated and inter-
acting developments or phases occurring in an individual’s life. Individuals
are not born with a self-concept or an awareness of self-perception. It must
be learned and developed implicitly and indirectly throughout one’s life
(Hattie, 1992). Frey and Carlock (1983) suggested that many modalities of
learning influence the development of self-concept, including direct expe-
rience, verbal/nonverbal human interaction, social learning through par-
enting, schooling, and various group memberships. The social context of
the child is considered to exert the greatest influence on development of
the child’s self-concept (Bandura, Barbaranelli, Caprara, & Pastorelli, 1996;
Shavelson et al., 1976). The self-concept builds on the child’s experience and
learning history and is influenced by important people close to the child
(Nalavany & Carawan, 2012; Shavelson et al., 1976). Some researchers argue
that it is the parents who have the primary influence over development of
development of academic self-concept and presents the role teachers play in
it. Moreover, it offers some practical suggestions for teachers to use in peda-
gogical practice. It includes some examples and suggestions for teachers to
consider while giving students feedback on their school work and achieve-
ments so as to support the development of a healthy academic self-concept.
The article is based on a review of the literature entailing searches in the
PsycINFO, ERIC, Proquest, Science Direct and Google scholar, Proquest
Dissertation & Theses Global databases. Key words used in the literature
search were predictors for ESL, self-concept, academic self-concept, self-ef-
ficacy, school achievements, motivation for school work, school dropout
etc. For the purposes of the article, we mainly considered scientific papers
and some scientific books available online.
Development of self-concept and academic self-concept
Self-concept is defined as a person’s conception of themselves (Bong &
Skaalvik, 2003). It includes the set of characteristics, abilities, attitudes and
values a person believes defines them. Although self-concept can be viewed
and measured as a general construct, studies show it is multidimensional
and that it should be defined and measured in different areas of life, such
as academic self-concept or self-concept with respect to reading etc. (Bong
& Skaalvik, 2003).
The development of self is a process of various interrelated and inter-
acting developments or phases occurring in an individual’s life. Individuals
are not born with a self-concept or an awareness of self-perception. It must
be learned and developed implicitly and indirectly throughout one’s life
(Hattie, 1992). Frey and Carlock (1983) suggested that many modalities of
learning influence the development of self-concept, including direct expe-
rience, verbal/nonverbal human interaction, social learning through par-
enting, schooling, and various group memberships. The social context of
the child is considered to exert the greatest influence on development of
the child’s self-concept (Bandura, Barbaranelli, Caprara, & Pastorelli, 1996;
Shavelson et al., 1976). The self-concept builds on the child’s experience and
learning history and is influenced by important people close to the child
(Nalavany & Carawan, 2012; Shavelson et al., 1976). Some researchers argue
that it is the parents who have the primary influence over development of