Page 134 - Štremfel, Urška, and Maša Vidmar (eds.). 2018. Early School Leaving: Training Perspectives. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut.
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is also regarded as an important ESL predictor (e.g. Battin-Pearson et
al., 2000; Lan & Lanthier, 2003).
Different studies have also established a correlation between academ-
ic self-concept and academic achievement (e.g. Helmke & van Aken, 1995;
Skaalvik & Hagtvet, 1990), which is also considered an important predictor
of ESL (e.g. Battin-Pearson et al., 2000; Lan & Lanthier, 2003). Moreover, re-
search reveals the importance of a positive self-concept for achieving good
results at school (Schunk, 2003). It is also shown that students with various
degrees of self-conception exhibit different cognitive, social and emotion-
al behaviour at school (Bong & Skaalvik, 2003), such as students’ academic
engagement (e.g. Skaalvik & Rankin, 1996; Skinner, Wellborn, & Connell,
1990), goal-setting (Bong, 2001; Skaalvik, 1997), task choice (Bandura &
Schunk, 1981; Pajares & Miller, 1995), persistence and effort (e.g. Skaalvik
& Rankin, 1995), intrinsic motivation (Gottfried, 1990; Harter, 1982; Mac
Iver, Stipek, & Daniels, 1991; Meece, Blumenfeld, & Hoyle, 1988; Skaalvik,
1997; Skaalvik, & Rankin, 1996), strategy use (Pintrich & De Groot, 1990;
Wolters & Pintrich, 1998), performance and achievement (e.g. Bandura,
Barbaranelli, Caprara, & Pastorelli, 1996, Skaalvik & Vals, 1999) and even
career selection (e.g. Bets & Hackett, 1981, 1983).
Figure 7. The relationship between self-concept and students’ cognitive, social and
emotional behaviour
A recent study (PPMI, 2014) identifies the competence profiles of ESLers
and underachievers. The study results show that ESLers tend to have low
self-esteem, a low academic self-concept and a lower perception of self-ef-
ficacy. Other studies reveal that self-concept plays a significant role in en-
hancing students’ intrinsic motivation, positive emotion, and performance
al., 2000; Lan & Lanthier, 2003).
Different studies have also established a correlation between academ-
ic self-concept and academic achievement (e.g. Helmke & van Aken, 1995;
Skaalvik & Hagtvet, 1990), which is also considered an important predictor
of ESL (e.g. Battin-Pearson et al., 2000; Lan & Lanthier, 2003). Moreover, re-
search reveals the importance of a positive self-concept for achieving good
results at school (Schunk, 2003). It is also shown that students with various
degrees of self-conception exhibit different cognitive, social and emotion-
al behaviour at school (Bong & Skaalvik, 2003), such as students’ academic
engagement (e.g. Skaalvik & Rankin, 1996; Skinner, Wellborn, & Connell,
1990), goal-setting (Bong, 2001; Skaalvik, 1997), task choice (Bandura &
Schunk, 1981; Pajares & Miller, 1995), persistence and effort (e.g. Skaalvik
& Rankin, 1995), intrinsic motivation (Gottfried, 1990; Harter, 1982; Mac
Iver, Stipek, & Daniels, 1991; Meece, Blumenfeld, & Hoyle, 1988; Skaalvik,
1997; Skaalvik, & Rankin, 1996), strategy use (Pintrich & De Groot, 1990;
Wolters & Pintrich, 1998), performance and achievement (e.g. Bandura,
Barbaranelli, Caprara, & Pastorelli, 1996, Skaalvik & Vals, 1999) and even
career selection (e.g. Bets & Hackett, 1981, 1983).
Figure 7. The relationship between self-concept and students’ cognitive, social and
emotional behaviour
A recent study (PPMI, 2014) identifies the competence profiles of ESLers
and underachievers. The study results show that ESLers tend to have low
self-esteem, a low academic self-concept and a lower perception of self-ef-
ficacy. Other studies reveal that self-concept plays a significant role in en-
hancing students’ intrinsic motivation, positive emotion, and performance