Page 329 - Štremfel, Urška, and Maša Vidmar (eds.). 2018. Early School Leaving: Contemporary European Perspectives. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut.
P. 329
the role of physical activity in esl

sport activities outside school hours. Opening the school to educators other
than teachers is therefore essential to overcome the reluctance towards ed-
ucation of ESLers (WHO, 2006).

It is also very important that local organisations (educational, youth,
sport) recognise the potential for physical activity of ESLers in their sur-
roundings (connecting with nature, local environment) and in this way try
to increase the sense of belonging of ESLers to their community through
sports (Cavill, Foster, Oja, & Martin, 2006; WHO, 2006). Physical activi-
ty in the form of different sport events (e.g. sports days) is also an excellent
way that community educators can include the families of ESLers into their
educational process through enjoyable and low-cost activities. By connect-
ing ESLers with their local environment, community organisations and
different social contexts (families, schools and peers) through different
sport events and activities, their social and cultural capital can be system-
atically strengthened.

The community-based approach to education and learning tends to be
collaborative and, besides conventional teaching methods, is based on in-
formal teaching methods (e.g. role play, socio-drama, participative action
research, movement, art etc.) (Ancosan, 2009). As such, it has even great-
er potential to incorporate different forms of learning techniques that in-
volve movement and physical activity and thus develop and support the so-
cial and emotional well-being of ESLers. Those practices (e.g. Accrochage
Scolaire Services project, 2013; The Forum Theatre against ESL project,
2013; Facing Youth unemployment from its very beginning project, 2014)
are often referred to in the literature as expressive practices and are aimed
to improve the self-knowledge and self-esteem of groups at risk, includ-
ing ESL students. With help of such techniques, students are able to realise
and address their problems with self-esteem, self-confidence, stress man-
agement, previous negative experiences with school failure, discrimina-
tion, behavioural problems, learning disabilities, school phobias and com-
munication difficulties. Through body language expression and techniques
of self-awareness (e.g. role playing, socio-drama), they more easily express
their needs and problems. By harmonising their body and language expres-
sion, they increase their capacity for attention and concentration. In such
learning settings, they also experience acceptance from others, interper-
sonal bonding and practice mindfulness and empathy towards others and

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