Page 303 - Štremfel, Urška, and Maša Vidmar (eds.). 2018. Early School Leaving: Contemporary European Perspectives. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut.
P. 303
The Role of Career Guidance in ESL

Urška Štremfel

Career guidance (with appropriate methods, contents, early provi-
sion, the actors involved) can overcome two important (individu-
al) ESL risk factors – the lack of relevance of schooling and the lack
of educational/career aspirations. The systematic development of ca-
reer management skills helps potential ESLers perceive their school-
ing as a meaningful part of their lifelong personal, social and career

Research findings show that ESLers often cite the lack of their school-
ing’s work and life relevance as a factor in their ESL (e.g. Hooley et
al., 2011) and that young people with uncertain occupational aspi-
rations or ones misaligned with their educational expectations are
considerably more likely to become ESLers (Yates et al., 2011). There
is a growing international consensus (Eurydice, 2014; Kraatz, 2014;
OECD, 2003; Oomen & Plant, 2014) that these two important (in-
dividual) risk factors for ESL can be successfully overcome by pro-
viding appropriately organised and implemented career guidance in
The article presents career guidance as a promising measure for deal-
ing with ESL (Eurydice, 2014; Kraatz, 2014; OECD, 2003; Oomen

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