Page 155 - Maša Vidmar, Vedenjske težave in učna uspešnost. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2017. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes, 30
P. 155

SWLS (Satisfaction with life scale; Diener, Emmons, Larsen and Grif-
fin 1985) is a 5-item self-report scale measuring the overall satisfaction with
life, which is one of the components of subjective well-being.

LDT (Depressed mood/Depressive tendencies; Alsaker 1992) is a 7-item
self-report scale measuring depressive tendencies (not clinical depression).

Home environment – parenting
VDO-II (Vprašalnik družinskega okolja II—Home Environment Question-
naire, Zupančič and Kavčič 2005a) is a 53-item self-report scale for the par-
ents of children in middle childhood comprising of four dimensions: au-
thoritativeness, ineffective control, power assertion and stimulation.

Children’s social behaviour
SV-O (Vprašalnik socialnega vedenja otroka, LaFreniere et al. 2001; Social
competence and behaviour evaluation preschool edition – SCBE, LaFreniere
and Dumas 1995) is an 80-item self-report scale divided into three summa-
ry scales. In this study two were used—internalizing and externalizing be-
haviour. The questionnaire was completed in by one of the child’s teachers.

Academic achievement
Attainment of Knowledge Standards in the first grade (Zupančič 2006) and
in the second grade (SZ-1, SZ-2, Vidmar and Zupančič 2007) is a teacher-re-
port curriculum-based scale for assessing knowledge standards achieved
by a child in the school subjects of Slovenian, Math and Nature & Society
(25 to 62 items). These knowledge standards are based on the objectives and
standards of elementary school curriculum. The instrument was complet-
ed by the class teachers.

On-school-entry baseline competencies
PIPS (Vidmar and Zupančič 2006a, 2007b; Performance indicators in pri-
mary schools: On-entry baseline assessment, Follow-up in Extension mate-
rial, CEM Centre 2005a, b, c) measures early literacy (linguistic/early read-
ing competencies), numeracy skills and mathematics, but it also includes an
attitude questionnaire. The test is carried out individually in the first seven
weeks after entering school.

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