Page 156 - Maša Vidmar, Vedenjske težave in učna uspešnost. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2017. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes, 30
P. 156
vedenjske težave in učna uspešnost

Nonverbal intelligence
CPM (Coloured Progressive Matrices; Raven, Raven and Court 1999) com-
prises three sets of 12 tasks measuring the overall nonverbal cognitive com-
petence in children under 11 years of age. It is carried out individually.

Five behavioural tasks by five different authors (walking slowly, drawing a
circle, drawing a star—Kochanska et al. 1996, 1997; card sorting – Kirkham,
Cruess in Diamond 2003; Diamond and Kirkham 2005; puzzle box task –
Eisenberg et al. 2000, 2003; Eisenberg, Cumberland et al. 2001; Eisenberg,
Gershoff et al. 2001; Eisenberg, Sadovsky et al. 2005; Eisenberg, Zhou et al.
2005) measure different aspects of children’s self-regulation—effortful con-
trol (i.e., inhibitory control, attentional control and activation control). The
tasks are carried out individually.

After obtaining parental consent, trained research assistant carried out in-
dividual tests with the children at school immediately after the start of the
school year (T1). Mothers received (and returned) their questionnaires via
school coordinators. Late in the spring in the same school year (T2) trained
research assistant carried out the second part of individual tests with the
children while the teachers received (and returned) their questionnaires via
the school coordinator. Immediately after the start of the next school year
(T3), when the children entered the second grade, trained research assis-
tant conducted the last individual tests with the children. At the end of the
school year (T4) the teachers received (and returned) another set of ques-
tionnaires via school coordinator.

Statistical analysis
The analyses were carried out with SPSS 15.0. Hypothesised measurement
and structural models, moderator and mediation relations were examined
with Mplus 5.2 (2009).

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