Page 159 - Maša Vidmar, Vedenjske težave in učna uspešnost. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2017. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes, 30
P. 159

  T1/T2 T4

Latent variable Unst. Stand. Unst. Stand.
Indicator load. load. load. load.

On-school-entry competencies (PIPS)

Early literacy 1.00 0.79 //
Numeracy skills and mathematics 0.81 0.88 //

Attitudes 0.13 0.20 //
Self-regulation //
Walking slowly 1.00 0.71
b 0.75
Drawing a circle 3.71 0.91 b 0.80
b 0.77
Drawing a circle 3.46 0.85 b 0.61

Card sorting 0.64 0.28 1.00 0.91
0.91 0.89
Internalizing behaviour (SV-O) 0.87 0.91

Depressive 1.00 0.80

Anxious 0.95 0.82

Isolated 1.18 0.80

Dependent 0.74 0.60

Academic achievement (SZ-1, SZ-2)

Slovenian 1.00 0.96

Math 0.88 0.88

Nature & Society 0.79 0.86

Notes. T1/T2 = time 1 / time 2, T4 = time 4, Unst. load. = unstandardised loading, Stand. load. =
completely standardised loading. / = the indicator was not measured. All loadings are significant
at least at p < 0.01. Longitudinally, correlated measurement errors were allowed between the same
markers for Dependence, Anxiety, Slovenian and Maths, as well as concurrently at T1 between
authoritativeness and stimulation.
aMaternal education was treated as a manifest variable (it has no loading), that is why it is not stated
in the Table.
b Due to the longitudinal invariance unstandardised loading is the same as in T2.

The Figure 1 shows that children’s on-school-entry baseline competen-
cies, home environment (parenting) and—indirectly—maternal education
are important factors of academic achievement (indirect effect calculated
with the confidence interval method—bootstrap with 1000 draws in order
to evaluate the standard error of indirect effect; MacKinnon, Lockwood,

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