Page 11 - Darko Štrajn, From Walter Benjamin to the End of Cinema: Identities, Illusion and Signification. Ljubljana: Educational Research Institute, 2017. Digital Library, Dissertationes, 29.
P. 11
Since this book is a product of many years of reflections, discussions, con-
ference presentations and writing of journal articles, there are many col-
leagues, friends and institutions to whom I am indebted for inspiration and
encouragement. I am especially thankful to late Janez Kolenc and Janez Jus-
tin – two broadminded scholars of the Educational Research Institute (Peda-
goški inštitut) in Ljubljana, who sadly passed away too early and with whom
I spent many hours of sharing ideas and thoughts. I am grateful to Bogomir
Novak, who still helps me a lot to not forget both colleagues and their open
minds. I am indebted to all the women and men of Educational Research In-
stitute, who understood that my larger theoretical interests in such fields as
aesthetic, cultural studies, media and film studies and politics make up part
of embedding the educational research in the theoretical and social contexts.
No matter how well one can learn English, there are always problems of
transferring ideas from one language thought structure to the other. Since
some of the texts in this book were written at different times, I received
help from quite a few “native speakers”. I am thankful to Fred Liss, who
lived in Ljubljana in 1990s, and who helped me a lot in my early attempts to
write texts in foreign language. Donald Reindl improved the texts, which
were published in New Review for Film and Television Studies and Compar-
ative Literature (Primerjalna književnost). For the bulk of copy-editing of
the book, I am very grateful to Jason Batson.
Finally, I feel obliged for all the help to three refined scholars and re-
viewers of this book Saša Vojković, Dan Hassler Forest and Andrej Šprah.
Since this book is a product of many years of reflections, discussions, con-
ference presentations and writing of journal articles, there are many col-
leagues, friends and institutions to whom I am indebted for inspiration and
encouragement. I am especially thankful to late Janez Kolenc and Janez Jus-
tin – two broadminded scholars of the Educational Research Institute (Peda-
goški inštitut) in Ljubljana, who sadly passed away too early and with whom
I spent many hours of sharing ideas and thoughts. I am grateful to Bogomir
Novak, who still helps me a lot to not forget both colleagues and their open
minds. I am indebted to all the women and men of Educational Research In-
stitute, who understood that my larger theoretical interests in such fields as
aesthetic, cultural studies, media and film studies and politics make up part
of embedding the educational research in the theoretical and social contexts.
No matter how well one can learn English, there are always problems of
transferring ideas from one language thought structure to the other. Since
some of the texts in this book were written at different times, I received
help from quite a few “native speakers”. I am thankful to Fred Liss, who
lived in Ljubljana in 1990s, and who helped me a lot in my early attempts to
write texts in foreign language. Donald Reindl improved the texts, which
were published in New Review for Film and Television Studies and Compar-
ative Literature (Primerjalna književnost). For the bulk of copy-editing of
the book, I am very grateful to Jason Batson.
Finally, I feel obliged for all the help to three refined scholars and re-
viewers of this book Saša Vojković, Dan Hassler Forest and Andrej Šprah.