Page 81 - Šterman Ivančič, Klaudija, ur. Izhodišča merjenja finančne pismenosti v raziskavi PISA 2012 s primeri nalog. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2013. Digitalna knjižnica, Documenta 8
P. 81

In this publication, we present the framework for measuring financial literacy in PISA
2012, with examples of units that were used in the field trial of the study. At the begin-
ning we briefly present the organizational characteristics of research at the international
and national levels, as well as the reasons for the growing interest of international organi-
zations to determine the financial literacy of young people. Further, we present the frame-
work of measuring financial literacy, on the basis of which the units are formed. In more
detail, we present three basic dimensions, namely the content (money and transactions,
planning and managing of finances, risk and reward and financial landscape) cognitive
processes (identifying financial information, analyse information in the financial context,
evaluate financial issues and apply financial knowledge and understanding) and context
(education and work, home and family, individual and social). In the context of this chap-
ter, we also present certain non-cognitive factors that are also important in determining
the financial literacy of young people (e.g., behavioural patterns, attitudes towards finan-
cial matters, etc.). Because the primary objective of this publication is in showing students
how to use their knowledge in concrete, problem-based situations, there are concrete units
at the end, which were published by the OECD. Units include stimulus, a question and
also a coding guide which will help you determine right and wrong answers.

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