Page 13 - Šolsko polje, XXXI, 2020, 5-6: Teaching Feminism, ed. Valerija Vendramin
P. 13
v. vendramin ■ teaching and trending feminism in the 21st century

epistemology (which, of course, goes not only for this issue, but for femi-
nism and knowledge-production generally).

This special issue ends with two book reviews. First, Sabina Autor
reviews Mary Beard’s book Women and Power. The second review is by
Nina Perger – she looks at Sara Ahmed’s book What’s the Use? On the
Uses of Use.

I hope that this issue of The School Field will be read and discussed,
perhaps used in research and teaching. It may help open up even more new
intellectual spaces of cooperation and reflection. And, of course, with any
luck there will be several more to follow on similar topics.


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