Page 151 - Šolsko polje, XXIX, 2018, no. 5-6: Radicalization, Violent Extremism and Conflicting Diversity, eds. Mitja Sardoč and Tomaž Deželan
P. 151
b. vezjak ■ radical hate speech: the fascination with hitler and fascism ...

of Hitler; no, in all likelihood, the users carry no such convictions. On
the other hand, the declaration of their position on the level of utteranc-
es cannot be neglected: the enthusiasm over the Führer, gas chambers and
concentrations camps, which are to be reused. These remain their core
message; one whose significance must not and cannot be simply waved
off as empty talk, nor can it be examined separated from the social and
media practices in which flirting with fascist leaders and the subscription
to their ideas seems to be becoming the norm. Or, as Timothy Snyder
(2018) ominously wrote: “Some Americans ask: What is wrong with the
Internet? Others ask: Can fascism return? These questions are the same


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