Page 141 - Šolsko polje, XXIX, 2018, no. 5-6: Radicalization, Violent Extremism and Conflicting Diversity, eds. Mitja Sardoč and Tomaž Deželan
P. 141
b. vezjak ■ radical hate speech: the fascination with hitler and fascism ...

23. “The refugees just need to be fed rat poison or locked up in a gas
chamber. Death to the refugees, long live Slovenians.”

24. “The furnaces in the concentration camps need to be stoked so that
this lot can burn and migrate through the chimney stacks.”

25. “All we need is a Hitler too quickly put them all away. I’d chip in for
the ammo from my own salary.”

26. “Release the gas, otherwise we’ll be slowly beaten and stabbed, since
there’s more and more of them by the hour, what about our poor

27. “Sorry, but just wake up Dolfi, if we can’t hack it.”
28. “Where’s Hitler now?”
29. “Open up Auschwitz, and then welcome them home. I want to work

there and we’ll shower them, the bunch of Muslims.”

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