Page 140 - Šolsko polje, XXIX, 2018, no. 5-6: Radicalization, Violent Extremism and Conflicting Diversity, eds. Mitja Sardoč and Tomaž Deželan
P. 140
šolsko polje, letnik xxix, številka 5–6

4. “Dachau, Auschwitz, etc. still in condition for repopulation. Folks, I
know, it’s ugly to hear it from me, but if we want what’s best for our
kids, European countries will have to, absolutely, really, have to do
something to protect our people. I’m not a racist, but this can’t be
happening in Europe. A million people, are you nuts? Where to put
them? Who to feed them? Should it come to war, I hope the EU wins,
even though a lot of people think Europe is led by Jews.”

5. “Lock ‘em all up in concentration camps, the trash of a nation have no
business in the EU.”

6. “Oh, no. C’mon people, these are poor ol’ refugees. Mercy, Adolf,
please reincarnate.”

7. “Sometimes, when you see this real images and the statements by the
police, you wish that Hitler woke up and put an iron curtain on our
border with Croatia.”

8. “Hitler was a cruel leader, but he put all who disrespected him in their
place. He also taught his people to respect their nation and their land.
Despite his cruel behaviour, he was a respected and successful leader.”

9. “Auschwitz’s been deserted for too many years, and the stacks are in
need of cleaning.”

10. “Take them to Auschwitz, the vermin.”
11. “Gas it up.”
12. “Stinkin’ vermin. I’d make gas chambers instead of these centres and

ship ‘em off there. Goddam.”
13. “Gas chambers still open?”
14. “Europe will come to miss ‘mein Führer’ Adolf Hitler. Fuck it, this IS

hate speech.”«
15. “Hitler, where are you? Shoot ‘em all up.”
16. “Lock all 5,000, or how many there may be in Slovenia, in a gas

17. “Put ‘em on trains. On cattle cars, then ‘destination’ Dachau.”
18. “Gas chambers are the solution.”
19. “Here is our Lebensraum. They should adapt to us, not the other way

‘round. What is being done is just the opposite; they have almost more
rights than we do, and people are just idle. We will be exterminated,
that’s their goal. Where is Hitler, when you need on? He’d sort it out.”
20. “I think the entire Middle East is going to migrate. This means the
soon downfall of Europe. Regrettably, we’re missing the kind of ruler
that the Germans had in 45.”
21. “Gas chambers, then run all the bloody vermin directly in there.”
22. “Put ‘em all in camps with gas chambers.”

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