Page 206 - Sabina Žnidaršič Žagar, Ženski pa so vzrasle svetlejše dolžnosti nego kuhati in prati ... Digitalna knjižnica, Compendia 1
P. 206
Ženski pa so vzrasle svetlejše dolžnosti ...
flict between mothers and daughters, sparked off by this development,
took place. But this misunderstanding, as a result of rapidly changing li-
ving conditions, was an opportunity to identify new images of modern
women, who saw their bodies in a new and different light. For the first
time in the long European history women demanded control over their
bodies. The question of birth control, contraception and abortion beca-
me one of the most burning issues. Marriage and family privacy have
become more and more a public matter; women started to express new
expectations and unsatisfaction with existing marital relations, deman-
ding new and different attitude from men.

The research for this book was based on the newspapers published in
that period, specialised journals and women‘s magazines, which were at
the time surprisingly numerous in Slovenia. The chief resources for this
work were two magazines: Slovenka (1897-1902) and Ženski svet (1923-
1941). Another important source is represented by popular manuals, de-
signed mostly for the women‘s audience. On the other hand, the catho-
lic press, very much present among Slovenian population, was probably
not used as much as it should have been. But then, it hasn‘t contributed
substantially to the develepomnet of these new trands, quite the opposi-
204 te, it resisted and condemned them.

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