Page 72 - Štremfel, Urška, and Maša Vidmar (eds.). 2018. Early School Leaving: Training Perspectives. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut.
P. 72
Since teaching is much more than the task of transmitting knowledge
to students, and involves values or assumptions concerning education,
learning and society, the concept of teacher competencies is likely to reso-
nate differently in various national contexts (European Commission, 2012).
Therefore, implementation of CPD should also be designed so that it can be
adapted to local (national) specifics such as understanding, traditions and
characteristics related to ESL.
Professional development of educators and ESL
ESL is not a new phenomenon (Attianese, et al., 2015) and several focuses
concerning ESL were applied in the past. Lately, an inclusive paradigm and
shift of focus from the individual (who is leaving education) to the signs pri-
or to the leaving have produced a need for educators to be able to react ac-
cordingly. The complexity of the phenomenon is illustrated by Burke (2008)
who reported the main reasons for students withdrawing from school in-
cluded uninteresting classes, truancy, too much freedom and not enough
rules in their life (i.e. family-related reasons). Other reasons include the re-
lationship with teachers and poor academic achievements. Trent and Slade
(2001) emphasised that students’ dissatisfaction and lack of motivation in
school is partly due to the impact of teachers and their teaching, and ar-
gued there were too many unsuitable teachers who either created or exacer-
bated the problems. Research also indicates that schoolwide models of pro-
fessional development (Positive Behavioural Interventions and Supports
– PBIS) improve schools’ organisational environment and reduce students’
behavioural problems considerably (Bradshaw et al., 2008b) through im-
proved cooperation between educators and the improved cooperation of
teachers with the student and their parents. This is likely to translate into
better motivation for education, increased academic performance and a re-
duction of ESL rates.
The challenge for teachers and other educators is thus to implement
strategies and methods that will reduce the influence of those reasons,
thereby helping students to meet their potential and stay focused on their
education. Since most educators were not qualified to do so during their in-
itial training, the need for CPD that enables an understanding of the ESL
phenomena and the development of the competencies to effectively con-
front these issues has emerged.
Trent and Slade’s (2001) research thus highlighted that teachers play
an important role in the quality of students’ school experiences, academic
to students, and involves values or assumptions concerning education,
learning and society, the concept of teacher competencies is likely to reso-
nate differently in various national contexts (European Commission, 2012).
Therefore, implementation of CPD should also be designed so that it can be
adapted to local (national) specifics such as understanding, traditions and
characteristics related to ESL.
Professional development of educators and ESL
ESL is not a new phenomenon (Attianese, et al., 2015) and several focuses
concerning ESL were applied in the past. Lately, an inclusive paradigm and
shift of focus from the individual (who is leaving education) to the signs pri-
or to the leaving have produced a need for educators to be able to react ac-
cordingly. The complexity of the phenomenon is illustrated by Burke (2008)
who reported the main reasons for students withdrawing from school in-
cluded uninteresting classes, truancy, too much freedom and not enough
rules in their life (i.e. family-related reasons). Other reasons include the re-
lationship with teachers and poor academic achievements. Trent and Slade
(2001) emphasised that students’ dissatisfaction and lack of motivation in
school is partly due to the impact of teachers and their teaching, and ar-
gued there were too many unsuitable teachers who either created or exacer-
bated the problems. Research also indicates that schoolwide models of pro-
fessional development (Positive Behavioural Interventions and Supports
– PBIS) improve schools’ organisational environment and reduce students’
behavioural problems considerably (Bradshaw et al., 2008b) through im-
proved cooperation between educators and the improved cooperation of
teachers with the student and their parents. This is likely to translate into
better motivation for education, increased academic performance and a re-
duction of ESL rates.
The challenge for teachers and other educators is thus to implement
strategies and methods that will reduce the influence of those reasons,
thereby helping students to meet their potential and stay focused on their
education. Since most educators were not qualified to do so during their in-
itial training, the need for CPD that enables an understanding of the ESL
phenomena and the development of the competencies to effectively con-
front these issues has emerged.
Trent and Slade’s (2001) research thus highlighted that teachers play
an important role in the quality of students’ school experiences, academic