Page 142 - Štremfel, Urška, and Maša Vidmar (eds.). 2018. Early School Leaving: Training Perspectives. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut.
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Relations with task and avoidance orientation, achievement, self-percep-
tions, and anxiety. Journal of Educational Psychology, 89(1), 71.
Shavelson, R. J., Hubner, J. J., & Stanton, G. C. (1976). Self-concept: Validation of
construct interpretations. Review of Educational Research, 46(3), 407–441.
Skaalvik, E. M., & Hagtvet, K. A. (1990). Academic achievement and self-con-
cept: An analysis of causal predominance in a developmental perspec-
tive. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 58(2), 292.
Skaalvik, E. M., & Rankin, R. J. (1995). A test of the Internal/External Frame
of Reference Model at different levels of math and verbal self-perception.
American Educational Research Journal, 32, 161–184.
Skinner, E. A., Wellborn, J. G., & Connell, J. P. (1990). What it takes to do well
in school and whether I’ve got it: A process model of perceived control and
children’s engagement and achievement in school. Journal of Educational
Psychology, 82(1), 22.
Stipek, D. J. (1984). Sex differences in children’s attributions for success and
failure on math and spelling tests. Sex Roles, 11(11), 969–981.
Suls, J. & Mullen, B. (1982). From the cradle to the grave: Comparison and
self-evaluation across the life-span. In Suls, J. M. (Ed.), Social Psychological
Perspectives on the Self (pp. 97–125). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum
Troia, G. A., Shankland, R. K., & Wolbers, K. A. (2012). Motivation research in
writing: Theoretical and empirical considerations. Reading and Writing
Quarterly, 28(1), 5–28.
Wigfield, A. (1997). Reading motivation: A domain-specific approach to moti-
vation. Educational Psychologist, 32(2), 59–68.
Wolters, C. A., & Pintrich, P. R. (1998). Contextual differences in student mo-
tivation and self-regulated learning in mathematics, English, and social
studies classrooms. Instructional Science, 26(1), 27–47.