Page 141 - Štremfel, Urška, and Maša Vidmar (eds.). 2018. Early School Leaving: Training Perspectives. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut.
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Milivojević, Z. (2004). Mala knjiga za velike starše [The little book for big par-
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dents’ motivation to learn. National Academies Press.
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of motivation in education. American Psychologist, 34(11), 1071.
Pajares, F., & Miller, M. D. (1995). Mathematics self-efficacy and mathemat-
ics performances: The need for specificity of assessment. Journal of
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Parsons, J. E. & Ruble, D. N. (1977). The development of achievement-related
expectancies. Child Development, 1075–1079.
Pintrich, P. R. & De Groot, E. V. (1990). Motivational and self-regulated learning
components of classroom academic performance. Journal of Educational
Psychology, 82(1), 33.
Pollard, A. & Pollard, A. (Eds.). (2014). Readings for reflective teaching in
schools. London: Bloomsbury Publishing.
PPMI – Public Policy and Management Institute (2014). Study on the effective
use of early childhood education and care in preventing early school leav-
ing – Final Report.
Rumberger, R. W. & Rotermund, S. (2012). The relationship between engage-
ment and high school dropout. In Christenson, S. L., Reschly, A. L., Wylie,
C. (Eds.). Handbook of Research on Student Engagement (pp. 491–513).
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Rutar Leban, T. (2011). Razvoj ustrezne samopodobe. [Development of a healthy
self-concept.] In Rutar Leban, T. (Ed.). Vzgoja za nenasilje: priročnik za
starše [Education for nonviolence: Handbook for parents]. Nova Gorica:
delovni odbor “Nova Gorica – otrokom prijazno Unicefovo mesto”.
Schunk, D. H. (2003). Self-efficacy for reading and writing: Influence of mode-
ling, goal setting, and self-evaluation. Reading & Writing Quarterly, 19(2),