Page 63 - Štremfel, Urška, and Maša Vidmar (eds.). 2018. Early School Leaving: Cooperation Perspectives. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut.
P. 63
Developing Healthy Social and Cultural
Capital and its Effects on Education

Klaudija Šterman Ivančič

Although social and cultural capital is to some extent determined, it
is important to be aware that individuals’ social capital can also be
built and strengthened via the family, peers, school and wider local
community. Not only does it encourage a student’s persistence in ed-
ucation, it can also help overcome the effects of a deficit in cultural
capital on an individual’s educational path.
The main aim of this article was to identify factors at the social- and
cultural-capital level that importantly affect students’ educational
outcomes and early school leaving (ESL) rates as well as to identify
factors which can be impacted in order to improve educational out-
comes and reduce ESL rates. Based on a literature review, we identi-
fied the following factors that form an individual’s cultural capital:
SES of individual, parents’ education level, structure of the family,
time spent with children, family culture and educational values, and
immigrant status. Further, in the field of investigating the effects of
social capital, the chief focus is on the quality of the family environ-
ment and relationships, peer relationships, relationships within the
school and wider community, and school climate. All of these fac-
tors have an important direct impact on students’ educational path
and ESL and an indirect impact through interaction between an

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