Page 13 - Štremfel, Urška, and Maša Vidmar (eds.). 2018. Early School Leaving: Cooperation Perspectives. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut.
P. 13

Urška Štremfel and Maša Vidmar

Modern European society is beset by various problems. Early school leav-

ing is regarded as being one of the most pressing. In the last two decades,
it has been placed high on the European Union policy agenda and vari-
ous promising solutions to the problem have been identified and policy, re-
search and practical approaches to address it developed and implemented.

This scientific monograph, as part of the three interconnected mono-
graphs: Early school leaving: Contemporary European Perspectives, Early
school leaving: Cooperation Perspectives, Early school leaving: Training
Perspectives, may be seen as one of them.

Three monographs have been prepared as the scientific base within
the TITA project (Team cooperation to fight early school leaving: Training,
Innovative Tools and Actions). Each monograph covers in detail one of the
three main pillars of the TITA approach – early school leaving, team co-
operation and educators training. The three-year project forms part of the
programme Erasmus+, Key Action 3 in whose framework the European
Commission conducts policy experiments in order to test and improve pol-
icy implementation systems, structures and processes that have a potential-
ly significant impact on the future EU policy agenda. The monograph offers
valuable scientific insights into the topic of cooperation perspectives of ear-
ly school leaving also to the wider interested research, policy and practice
community in the EU and beyond.

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