Page 79 - Štremfel, Urška, and Maša Vidmar (eds.). 2018. Early School Leaving: Contemporary European Perspectives. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut.
P. 79
the esl situation in luxembourg

b. since 2005 ‘Mosaic Classes’ have been provided for students with
behavioural difficulties (e.g. failure to comply with internal regu-
lations, systematic absenteeism, aggression, violence etc.) in sec-
ondary education (temporary intensive support in small groups
targeting the reintegration and re-socialisation of students in
their initial class or in a class adapted to their development;
MENJE, n.d.; Cedefop, 2015);

c. the ‘School Drop-in’ pilot project (Plateforme Accrochage Scolaire
– PAS; Stoffel, Friedel, & Thill-Rollinger, 2014) aims to systemat-
ically evaluate the risk of ESL amongst students in secondary ed-
ucation (National reform programme, 2016) and implementing
measures for students at risk. PAS is coordinated by the CPOS. Its
goal is to create educational alliances (see Gilles, Potvin, & Tièche
Christinat, 2012) between different actors and assure the partic-
ipation of everyone – the PAS team works with the family, the
management, the educational team/teachers, the SPOS and the
socio-educational team of the high school (lycée) concerned, to-
gether with external partners (e.g. socio-medical and psychologi-
cal services, guidance professionals, employers and others; Stoffel
et al., 2014). The purpose is to remobilise the young persons in
terms of their personal and academic success, offering them ac-
tivities that correspond to their social, relational and psycho-emo-
tional needs and difficulties. The PAS team relies on internal re-
sources available within the schools as much as possible and only
use external ones when needed (ibid.). It started in 2014/15;

d. the ‘Itzigerstee’ pilot project for highly problematic students aims
to reintegrate students into mainstream education in cooperation
with their parents, the school and a psychologist after providing
individualised support;

e. workshops organised by Local Youth Action (Action locale pour
jeunes – ALJ) for ESLers on motivation, teamwork, the develop-
ment of vocational projects, internship, and apprenticeship;

f. the ‘Stop&Go’ self-development programme organised by CPOS
is intended for either students still at school but who have given up
on learning, or young ESLers; youngsters work on their person-
al orientation through various non-verbal means of expression
(body expression, photography, theatre) and are provided with an

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