Page 82 - Štremfel, Urška, and Maša Vidmar (eds.). 2018. Early School Leaving: Contemporary European Perspectives. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut.
P. 82
ear ly school leaving: contempor ary european perspectives

appear that in the future some alignment of what can be done (by the mul-
ti-professional teams) and what is expected to be done (by the teaching
staff) is needed. A common culture and constructive communication has
yet to be established between the various professionals who come from two
different sectors (elementary education and special education). Capacity
constraints and responsiveness (quick intervention – regular exchange
with teaching staff) are important (Universite du Lux, 2012).

ESL in Luxembourg has received considerable attention since 2000, with
the issue also being considered in the country’s extensive ongoing reform
of its education system. In 2009, Luxembourg achieved the European head-
line target of < 10% ESLers and its ESL rate has remained below the tar-
get since. Possibly contributing to this progress and providing a good tool
in the ESL context is the fact that Luxembourg has a tradition in educa-
tion and career guidance as well as a multi-agency partnership working
in and around schools (e.g. secondary schools provide a service for edu-
cational psychology and guidance that cooperates with teachers, parents,
the school’s medical service, and with competent services and profession-
al chambers). The role of second-chance schools is also promoted. In addi-
tion, several other practices and projects have been implemented (e.g. early
detection measures, temporary intensive support in small groups for stu-
dents with behavioural difficulties, providing activities corresponding to
the social, relational and psycho-emotional needs and difficulties of stu-
dents at high risk of ESL, self-development programmes etc.). However,
comprehensive national strategy tackling ESL is still missing. In addition,
certain characteristics of the education system, such as early tracking with
several transitions and high rates of grade retention, may represent risk fac-
tors for ESL. Moreover, as highlighted in MENJE (2015), it is clear that in
general high schools (lycées) only respond to ESL once it is already obvi-
ous; instead, attention to the early causes and pathways is called for, name-
ly at the start of the process that ends in ESL, along with more investment
to help prevent ESL.


Cedefop (2014). Early leaving from vocational education and training.
Luxembourg. Retrieved from

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