Page 154 - Šimenc, Marjan, Sardoč, Mitja, Mlekuž, Ana. Državljanska vzgoja v Sloveniji. Nacionalno poročilo Mednarodne raziskave državljanske vzgoje in izobraževanja ICCS 2009. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2015. Digitalna knjižnica, Documenta 9
P. 154
Marjan ŠIMENC, PhD is a researcher at the Educational Research Institute in Lju-
bljana and an associate professor of philosophy at the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana. He
publishes in the areas of teaching philosophy, citizenship education and philosophy of ed-
ucation. (email:
Ana MLEKUŽ, univ.dipl. pol, je zaposlena kot raziskovalka na Pedagoškem inštitu-
tu. Je upravljavka podatkovnih baz za Mednarodno raziskavo državljanske vzgoje in izo-
braževanja (ICCS 2009) in Evropsko raziskavo o jezikovnih kompetencah (ESLC 2011) ter
je soavtorica znanstvenih in strokovnih člankov s področja mednarodnih raziskav znanja.
Ana MLEKUŽ, B. A. in political sciences, is a researcher at the Educational Research
Institute in Ljubljana. She is data manager for International Civic and Citizenship Edu-
cation Study (ICCS 2009) and European Survey on Language Competences (ESLC 2011)
and is a co-author of several scientific articles in the field of international large scale asses-
sments. (e-mail:
bljana and an associate professor of philosophy at the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana. He
publishes in the areas of teaching philosophy, citizenship education and philosophy of ed-
ucation. (email:
Ana MLEKUŽ, univ.dipl. pol, je zaposlena kot raziskovalka na Pedagoškem inštitu-
tu. Je upravljavka podatkovnih baz za Mednarodno raziskavo državljanske vzgoje in izo-
braževanja (ICCS 2009) in Evropsko raziskavo o jezikovnih kompetencah (ESLC 2011) ter
je soavtorica znanstvenih in strokovnih člankov s področja mednarodnih raziskav znanja.
Ana MLEKUŽ, B. A. in political sciences, is a researcher at the Educational Research
Institute in Ljubljana. She is data manager for International Civic and Citizenship Edu-
cation Study (ICCS 2009) and European Survey on Language Competences (ESLC 2011)
and is a co-author of several scientific articles in the field of international large scale asses-
sments. (e-mail: