Page 383 - Gabrijela Kišiček and Igor Ž. Žagar (eds.), What do we know about the world? Rhetorical and argumentative perspectives, Digital Library, Educational Research Institute, Ljubljana 2013
P. 383
stakeholders in promotional genres:
a rhetorical perspective on marketing communication 383
ecast on a TV channel implies that every TV viewer is an addressee or a
ratified participant. Similarly, the fact that the press release is published
on a public website implies that every Internet user is a ratified partic-
ipant. The same can be said for the brochure, which is downloadable
from the Mepha website. However, even if we consider the other chan-
nel of distribution of the brochure (the chemist), no bystander emerg-
es: when a person enters the chemist, s/he becomes a chemist’s custom-
er and, accordingly, s/he assumes the role of addressee. Similarly, when a
person picks up the Sunstore magazine at the chemists or takes it in her/
his hand at home and browses through it, s/he becomes a Sunstore read-
er and therefore an addressee.
On the base of the analysis of these four examples, we can provide
a more precise description of the stakeholders of promotional texts (Ta-
ble 2).
Table 2: Stakeholders of texts promoting Xylo Mepha
Role Description Example from texts promot-
Animator ing Xylo Mepha
Someone who materially writes a The webmaster of
Principal text by activating a writing tech- who is asked to upload a press re-
nology. lease on the website.
Someone who produces a text for- An assistant who is asked to pro-
mulating the content and choosing duce a brochure promoting a new
expressive strategies. The author is product from Mepha Pharma AG.
often asked to write a text and to ac- He or she is given some details
complish a communicative purpose about the product itself and about
by a commissioner. In an organiza- where the brochure will be distrib-
tion it is likely to have many authors uted.
(collaborative writing).
The principal is the source of the The director of Mepha Pharma AG
text content, expressed opinion, who asks an advertising agency to
and communicative goal. The au- produce a print ad, which will pro-
thor must realize the principal’s mote the new Xylo Mepha the or-
communicative goal when writing. ganization, has just made.
The principal is responsible, even in
legal terms, for the text. The princi-
pal’s opinion is expressed in the text.
The principal can also be an institu-
tion or an enterprise.
a rhetorical perspective on marketing communication 383
ecast on a TV channel implies that every TV viewer is an addressee or a
ratified participant. Similarly, the fact that the press release is published
on a public website implies that every Internet user is a ratified partic-
ipant. The same can be said for the brochure, which is downloadable
from the Mepha website. However, even if we consider the other chan-
nel of distribution of the brochure (the chemist), no bystander emerg-
es: when a person enters the chemist, s/he becomes a chemist’s custom-
er and, accordingly, s/he assumes the role of addressee. Similarly, when a
person picks up the Sunstore magazine at the chemists or takes it in her/
his hand at home and browses through it, s/he becomes a Sunstore read-
er and therefore an addressee.
On the base of the analysis of these four examples, we can provide
a more precise description of the stakeholders of promotional texts (Ta-
ble 2).
Table 2: Stakeholders of texts promoting Xylo Mepha
Role Description Example from texts promot-
Animator ing Xylo Mepha
Someone who materially writes a The webmaster of
Principal text by activating a writing tech- who is asked to upload a press re-
nology. lease on the website.
Someone who produces a text for- An assistant who is asked to pro-
mulating the content and choosing duce a brochure promoting a new
expressive strategies. The author is product from Mepha Pharma AG.
often asked to write a text and to ac- He or she is given some details
complish a communicative purpose about the product itself and about
by a commissioner. In an organiza- where the brochure will be distrib-
tion it is likely to have many authors uted.
(collaborative writing).
The principal is the source of the The director of Mepha Pharma AG
text content, expressed opinion, who asks an advertising agency to
and communicative goal. The au- produce a print ad, which will pro-
thor must realize the principal’s mote the new Xylo Mepha the or-
communicative goal when writing. ganization, has just made.
The principal is responsible, even in
legal terms, for the text. The princi-
pal’s opinion is expressed in the text.
The principal can also be an institu-
tion or an enterprise.