Page 378 - Gabrijela Kišiček and Igor Ž. Žagar (eds.), What do we know about the world? Rhetorical and argumentative perspectives, Digital Library, Educational Research Institute, Ljubljana 2013
P. 378
What Do We Know about the World?
Table 1: Stakeholders
Role Description
Animator Someone who materially writes a text by activating a writing
Author technology.
Someone who produces a text formulating the content and
Principal choosing expressive strategies. The author is often asked to
write a text and to accomplish a communicative purpose by a
Addressee commissioner. In an organization it is likely to have many au-
Ratified participant thors (collaborative writing).
Overhearer/Bystander The principal is the source of the text content, expressed opin-
ion, and communicative goal. The author must realize the prin-
Gatekeeper cipal’s communicative goal when writing. The principal is re-
Regulator sponsible, even in legal terms, for the text. The principal’s
opinion is expressed in the text. The principal can also be an in-
stitution or an enterprise.
The person to whom the text is directly and explicitly ad-
Someone who the text is not directly addressed to but is enti-
tled to take part in the communicative event as a right.
Someone who can come in contact – directly or indirectly –
with a text without either the principal or the author’s knowl-
edge. He is not the addressee to whom the principal directs the
text. Overhearers include opinion leaders, who can be affected
by the text even if they are not addressees. The importance of
an overhearer varies according to the text distribution.
Someone who, thanks to his/her role in a specific social con-
text, can decide whether the text can reach its addressees or not.
A government or control authority that gives norms and regu-
lations for how communication should be maintained and how
texts should be written. It can be either a national or indepen-
dent institution.
5. Rhetorical Situation of Three Promotional
Let us take, as examples, a press release, a brochure, a print ad and a
TV commercial promoting Xylo Mepha,6 a generic nasal spray for adults
and children, marketed by Mepha Pharma AG (a Swiss leader manufac-
turer and wholesaler of generic pharmaceutical products). The press re-
6 The authors asked Mepha Pharma AG for permission to publish images of the press release, the bro-
chure, the print ad, and the TV commercial, but permission was denied.
Table 1: Stakeholders
Role Description
Animator Someone who materially writes a text by activating a writing
Author technology.
Someone who produces a text formulating the content and
Principal choosing expressive strategies. The author is often asked to
write a text and to accomplish a communicative purpose by a
Addressee commissioner. In an organization it is likely to have many au-
Ratified participant thors (collaborative writing).
Overhearer/Bystander The principal is the source of the text content, expressed opin-
ion, and communicative goal. The author must realize the prin-
Gatekeeper cipal’s communicative goal when writing. The principal is re-
Regulator sponsible, even in legal terms, for the text. The principal’s
opinion is expressed in the text. The principal can also be an in-
stitution or an enterprise.
The person to whom the text is directly and explicitly ad-
Someone who the text is not directly addressed to but is enti-
tled to take part in the communicative event as a right.
Someone who can come in contact – directly or indirectly –
with a text without either the principal or the author’s knowl-
edge. He is not the addressee to whom the principal directs the
text. Overhearers include opinion leaders, who can be affected
by the text even if they are not addressees. The importance of
an overhearer varies according to the text distribution.
Someone who, thanks to his/her role in a specific social con-
text, can decide whether the text can reach its addressees or not.
A government or control authority that gives norms and regu-
lations for how communication should be maintained and how
texts should be written. It can be either a national or indepen-
dent institution.
5. Rhetorical Situation of Three Promotional
Let us take, as examples, a press release, a brochure, a print ad and a
TV commercial promoting Xylo Mepha,6 a generic nasal spray for adults
and children, marketed by Mepha Pharma AG (a Swiss leader manufac-
turer and wholesaler of generic pharmaceutical products). The press re-
6 The authors asked Mepha Pharma AG for permission to publish images of the press release, the bro-
chure, the print ad, and the TV commercial, but permission was denied.