Page 189 - Primož Krašovec / Igor Ž. Žagar (ur.), Medijska politika v postsocializmu, Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 5
P. 189
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Curran, J., Seaton, J., Power Without Responsibility: The Press and Broad-
casting in Britain, Routledge, London 1997.
Debord, G., Družba spektakla, Študentska založba, Ljubljana 1999.
Engels, F., Marx, K., Nemška ideologija, v: METI II, Cankarjeva založba,
Ljubljana 1971, 5-352.
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Fairclough, N., Analysing Discourse: Textual Analysis for Social Research,
Routledge, London 2003.
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Critical Realism, 2005.
Freud, S., Nezavedno, v: Metapsihološki spisi. ŠKUC Filozofska fakulteta,
Ljubljana 1987.
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Ljubljana 1987.
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Javnost 1 (1994), 23–42.
Hamly, D. W., Sensation and Perception: A History of the Philosophy of Per-
ception, Routledge and Kegan Paul, New York 1961.
Hardt, M., The Withering of Civil Society, v: M. Hill, W. Montag (ur.),
Masses, Classes, and the Public Sphere, Verso, London 2000, 158–178.
Hargreaves, I., Novinarstvo: zelo kratek uvod, Krtina, Ljubljana 2007.
Hatzidaki, O., Greek Men‘s and Women‘s Magazines as Codes of Gender
Conduct: The Role of Deontic Modality, referat s konference CADA-
AD, University of Hertfordshire 2008.