Page 22 - Šolsko polje, XXXI, 2020, 5-6: Teaching Feminism, ed. Valerija Vendramin
P. 22
šolsko polje, letnik xxxi, številka 5–6

the required keywords in the title. There is one optional course, name-
ly Education and Gender offered in all of the above-mentioned pro-
grammes (except Art Pedagogy) in the first and second Bologna cycles.
We found another optional subject, Gender studies, but the professor in
charge for this subject told us “they implemented [the course] years ago,
but not anymore”, and could not give us a specific reason for that, ex-
cept that it is not really offered to students. Some of the key (gender-re-
lated) phrases and contents can be found in the compulsory general sub-
ject Sociology of Education (in all of the above-mentioned programmes),
Pedagogical Psychology, Youth Literature, EPTE, Reaction to Difference
and Psychology for Teachers, and Sociology of Family for the science sub-
ject teacher programme. In the second cycle, the story repeats itself. There
are no compulsory subjects that systematically deal with gender, gender
equality and general gender questions.

Faculty of Education, University of Maribor

The Faculty implements three first-cycle university study programmes
(Music Pedagogy, Art Pedagogy, and Classroom Teaching), and sever-
al second-cycle study programmes: Classroom Teaching (1 year), Art
Pedagogy (1 year), Music Pedagogy (1 year), Inclusion in Education (2
years) and Pre-school Education (2 years).

The mentioned first-cycle programmes do not have a compulsory
subject addressing the content we were looking for. Gender differences are
addressed in the optional subject Child in a Group of Peers. In Classroom
Teaching, some gender-related content can be found in the following
subjects: Ethical and Sociological Aspects of Education, Differentiation
in Mathematics Lessons (Gender and Mathematics), Developmental
Psychology (with an emphasis on middle childhood). In the second cycle,
the story is repeated. There is no special course dedicated to gender or gen-
der equality. Moreover, gender is also absent from the programmes Art
Pedagogy, Classroom Teaching and Music Pedagogy. In the programme
Inclusion in Education, one can find the optional subject Peer Interaction
in Classroom, which deals with the role of gender in children’s relation-
ships with peers.

Faculty of Education, University of Primorska

At the mentioned faculty, the focus has been on the following first-cycle
study programmes: the university study programme Pedagogy, the uni-
versity study programme Classroom Teaching. There is no compulso-
ry subject in the Pedagogy programme that includes the required words
in its name. There are certain topics related to gender and education in

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