Page 153 - Šolsko polje, XXXI, 2020, 5-6: Teaching Feminism, ed. Valerija Vendramin
P. 153

and female power and most of the prominent female politicians are often
associated with these characters as Mary Beard shows, they are Medusas,
Clytaemnestres, Lizistrates etc. But not only women politicians in pow-
er are exposed to attacks. Marta Verginella (2019) in her preface to the
Slovenian edition of Women and Power by mentioning Greta Thunberg
and Carola Rousseff, two women who raise their voice not only for them-
selves but also for others, reminds us how they were immediately attacked
ad hominem and labelled as problematic, insane, furious etc. – not be-
cause of what they did, but that they as women dare to speak and act in

At the end, it is important to again mention that Mary Beard’s
Woman and Power is subtitled Manifesto. Woman and Power is not a
small essay, a booklet on women’s public voice and their struggles, but a
manifesto in the full sense of the word. The manifesto is a public state-
ment of beliefs, aims and policies and is actually a written word in a pub-
lic space. The book can also be read in the domestic sphere in the shelter of
the home on the couch, but the only place of the manifesto is in the public
square where it can also be heard and where a word becomes an act.


Beard, M. (2019). Ženske in oblast: Manifest. Znanstvena založba Filozofske

Tavčar, I. (1948). 4000: času primerna povest iz prihodnjih dob: po vzorih dr.
Ničmaha napisal dr. Nevesekdo. Slovenski knjižni zavod.

Verginella, M. (2019). “Ko bodo celo mačke nehale moriti ptice”. In Ženske
in oblast: Manifest. Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete.

Sabina Autor

Sara Ahmed: What’s the Use? On the Uses of Use. Durham and
London: Duke University Press, 2019.

What’s the Use? is designated as the third and final part of Sara
Ahmed’s trilogy concerning “following words” (p. 3) – tracing their intel-
lectual and social history, stories of how words and ideas have been put to
use. The first one, The Promise of Happiness (2010), focuses on tracing hap-
piness as an idea or even as an obligation (to be happy) that is accompanied
by socially shaped expectations concerning what brings happiness. These
expectations also serve as demands to be met in order to be happy. The

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