Page 101 - Šolsko polje, XXXI, 2020, 5-6: Teaching Feminism, ed. Valerija Vendramin
P. 101
m. adamović ■ what can we learn about feminism from web portals?

feminism, although feminism is mentioned in the framework as well as
the public activism of individual actors. The actors of this framework are
written about both from the public and the private sphere, sometimes gar-
nished by lascivious headlines.

The thematic framework female politicians and feminism is surpris-
ingly the least educational; namely, there is almost no mention of politics,
feminism as a word is not mentioned and the framework does not feature
any true political feminist messages. This result is surprising but corre-
sponds to the earlier mentioned theoretical insights of McRobbie (2009)
that there is a new form of sexual contract in action because the politi-
cal framework basically speaks about the educational achievements of the
highest-ranking female politician; sending a laconic message to women
that education brings equality so that educated women can realise their
highest ambitions, including ambitions in high politics.

Certainly, most attractive to young audiences are the themat-
ic frameworks celebrity feminism and feminism and film which are built
on famous real or fictional actors. While the former are attractive due to
their popularity in show business and their lifestyles, the latter are known
to younger audiences from high-budget movies. Celebrity feminism defi-
nitely is very significant in spreading feminist values because it broaches
an array of important and contemporary themes like female bodies, sex-
ism etc. But at the same time a series of themes crucial for the global or lo-
cal context such as abortion, reproductive rights etc. does not feature in
this framework (Bachmann et al., 2018) nor does it speak about actual
marginalised women (Vavrus, 2002). The feminism and film framework
is more entertaining in character and features comments upon movies or
(non)feminist acts of movie characters. Some of the individual comments
in this framework are stereotypical in nature so it remains questionable
how much the authors actually understand feminism and from which po-
sition their comments are coming.

Despite the limitations of this analysis due to the small sample, we
can say that how useful the Internet is for feminism and how feminism is
truly perceived by young audiences should be studied by asking them di-
rectly. However, it is certain that the entertaining and simplified messages
hinting at feminism sent by celebrity feminists will resonate most strong-
ly with young people.


Albertson, W. C. (2018). Sleeping with the Enemy: The Male Gaze and
Same-Sex Relationships on Broadcast Network Television. In D. Harp,

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