Page 100 - Šolsko polje, XXXI, 2020, 5-6: Teaching Feminism, ed. Valerija Vendramin
P. 100
šolsko polje, letnik xxxi, številka 5–6

the movie “Terminator: Dark fate”, under the title “The irrelevant new
Terminator movie: light action for kids with no thrill, fear or mystery but
with an unconvincing feminist twist”, the following is written:

This type of feminist twist might have worked in the superb last instalment of Mad
Max: Fury Road (2015), but it doesn’t work here. Even the old grey-haired Sarah
can hardly convince anyone that she could endure even 10 seconds against the new
terminator, much less that she’s capable of destroying it like some fierce warrior.
In this thematic framework, the feminist values are contextualised
in two ways – affirmatively, as we have already stated, and negatively, like
in the following example:

Finally, it all seems like an unconvincing attempt to glorify the vision of gynecocra-
cy, a society where all the power is held by women. (FF–2)


The positioning of feminism on the bulletins of web portals can, from
an educational standpoint, seem confusing because on one hand social
institutions are increasingly incorporating gender awareness and taking
gender parity into account while, on the other, the topic of feminism is
sooner marginalised and trivialised than represented, in line with previ-
ous scientific knowledge (McRobbie, 2009; Lind & Salo, 2002; Rhode,
1995; Jaworska & Krishnamurthy, 2012).

We determined that the articles on feminism fit into one of five the-
matic frameworks: feminist pioneers, female politicians and feminism, fem-
inist activism, celebrity feminism, and feminism and film. The feminist
activism framework holds the greatest educational potential because it
mostly presents interviews or statements by feminists of an academic, cul-
tural or activist provenance who are also the main actors of this frame-
work and whose statements authentically broach a series of feminist sub-
themes ranging from the relationship towards sexual violence, family
violence, patriarchal values, LGBT rights, racial rights, migrants etc. Due
to the gravity of the approach to the subject, this framework is also the
least attractive in terms of following feminism for an audience desiring
concise and short messages (Hobson, 2016) but it is also the only frame-
work touching on the ideas of “real feminism” (Gay, 2014). The feminist
pioneers thematic framework is oriented to the past and also features an
educational intent by introducing the audience to women who have man-
aged to succeed in male-dominated professions. This framework is more
built on the idea “see what women can accomplish” than on the ideas of

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