Page 163 - Šolsko polje, XXXI, 2020, 3-4: Convention on the Rights of the Child: Educational Opportunities and Social Justice, eds. Zdenko Kodelja and Urška Štremfel
P. 163
teršek ■ public universities in post-socialist states could become ‘un-academic’ ...

which is very difficult to remedy. This cannot be put back by a few decrees.
And you see, if you remember Milosevič, Serbia, what first happened in
Serbia, before the whole disintegration of Yugoslavia, wars and so on, was
a terrible decline in public speech and morality. That is, what is decent to
say. And these are things that can be destroyed very quickly. But then it
takes decades to rebuild.

And here it seems to me that this is a question of decency, of ‘com-
mon decency’, which in a sense is always the most important political
question. Unwritten laws that cannot be included in the political pro-
gram or in legislation, and the question of stupidity, that something that
is obviously stupid is publicly permissible... it seems to me that this too
falls into the category of falling criteria of decency, morality and custom.
This is what poisons us a little in this country, very poisonous, because it
also arouses this general depression that in some general puddle of ma-
nure a man can no longer do this, even if he says his opinion, not much
will change for him”.

References and Sources

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