Page 158 - Šolsko polje, XXXI, 2020, 3-4: Convention on the Rights of the Child: Educational Opportunities and Social Justice, eds. Zdenko Kodelja and Urška Štremfel
P. 158
šolsko polje, letnik xxxi, številka 3–4

anyway? Something small has been said among the people on the right
side, between the philosophers Prof. Urbančič and Prof. Hribar, but even
that is not something you can read. The problem is that it is not read at
all in the so-called author scene. Who reads Hannah Arendt on the age
stage? Who is able to read her book Vita Activa? These are other ways of

Or to go back to the beginning, to hear that too, because it is not se-
rious. This is the way, one of the possible ways, away from Platonism, to-
wards Aristotle. See information. Don’t you find it strange that for half
a century or 60 years there hasn’t been a single doctorate on Aristotle?
At the University of Ljubljana? Count how many there are on Freud and
Lacan. Well, neither Freud nor Lacan are philosophers. How is it that the
basic philosopher Aristotle has not been the subject of at least one doctor-
ate at the Faculty of Philosophy in just over half a century? Something is
seriously wrong, something is very seriously wrong. In short, there is a cer-
tain paradigm within which we move, there are certain closed horizons in
which we find ourselves and walk through our own labyrinths. And then
we discovered Capital, and now we are going to make a revolution against
capital? For me, it is an infantilisation of the population. Infantilisation, I
emphasise. The responsibility of the left for what is happening here is very
serious. It is a very serious responsibility. And, instead of talking about re-
sponsibility, they, these… as celebrities… they can afford to sunbathe and
are popular and dominate everything and people read their stuff, their
bestsellers. That’s not me. But I am not a problem. We are not the prob-
lem. The problem sticks with them. And is a serious one, overwhelming
and devastating for the long term.

End of conversation.

At this point, it may be appropriate to provide further clarification.
Five years ago, I was a member of a working group of professors who, on
the initiative of Prof. Kuzmanić, established a new course of study in polit-
ical science at the University of Primorska (Koper, Slovenia). After 5 years,
the programme was discontinued. The reason was that the number of stu-
dents (between 5 and 8) was too low, which made the cost of implement-
ing the programme too high for the University. The University therefore
gave up political science. I believe that no further comment is necessary.
However, some young students were well educated in political science
during these years.

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