Page 26 - Ana Kozina and Nora Wiium, eds. ▪︎ Positive Youth Development in Contexts. Ljubljana: Educational Research Institute, 2021. Digital Library, Dissertationes (Scientific Monographs), 42.
P. 26
positive youth development in contexts

Table 2: Correlation Analyses of Demographic Variables, Developmental Assets and Thriving.

Variables 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

1. Gender .01 .02 -.01 .14** .16** .21** -.14** .13** .06 .14** .02 .05

2. Age -.13** -.14** -.08 -.11* -.03 -.05 -.08 .03 -.15** -.11* -.12**

3. Father’s .34** .00 .04 .04 .03 .05 .05 .04 -.03 .10*
of education -.05 -.03 -.01 .04 .12** .04 .08 .05 .02
4. Mother’s
level of edu- .54** .57** .43** .40** .46** .46** .22** .34**
cation .65** .38** .31** .34** .41** .18** .36**
5. Com- .47** .35** .43** .48** .17** .32**
mitment to
6. Positive
7. Social

8. Positive .36** .51** .39** .23** .27**

9. Support .57** .63** .30** .17**

10. Empower- .62** .31** .27**

11. Boundari- .30** .21**
es & Expecta-
tions .25**
12. Constru- -
ctive use of
13. Thriving

Descriptive analysis

Range 15-19 1-5 1-5 0-7 0-7 0-7 0-4 0-7 0-6 0-9 0-4 0-7
Mean 16.70 4.42 4.56 5.51 5.50 5.90 2.68 4.84 5.13 6.85 1.73 3.37
(SD) (.90) (.93) (.82) (1.79) (1.66) (1.61) (1.48) (1.74) (1.27) (1.87) (1.00) (1.55)

Note. Gender: (1) male and (2) female – mean (SD): 1.56 (0.50); * p <.05; ** p <.01.

Regression Analysis for Demographic Variables, Developmental
Assets, and Thriving

The regression analysis revealed a significant association between the asset
categories and thriving, F(12, 452) = 10.23, p <.001. In model 1, the demo-
graphic variables, gender, age, and parents’ educational level explained 2.3%
of the variance in thriving (R2 = .02). Including the developmental assets in
model 2, the explained variance rose to 21.4%, indicating that the asset cat-
egories explained 19.1% of the variance in thriving. Commitment to learning

   21   22   23   24   25   26   27   28   29   30   31