Page 276 - Igor Ž. Žagar in Ana Mlekuž, ur. Raziskovanje v vzgoji in izobraževanju: mednarodni vidiki vzgoje in izobraževanja. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut, 2020. Digitalna knjižnica, Dissertationes 38
P. 276
r aziskovanje v vzgoji in izobr aževanju: mednarodni vidki vzgoje in izobr aževanja
Table 31: Tabular view of applied Horn parallel analysis with data permutation (К =300).
Factor Eigen values Eigen values
of the actual data of the simulative data
2. 5,29 1,63
3. 1,46 1,51
1,02 1,35
Therefore, based on the parallel analysis, it can be concluded the pres-
ence of one factor in the structure of FLSAQ, which explains 57.40% of the
total variance. An outline of the single-factor items structure is given in Ta-
ble 32.
Table 32: Correlation between items and factor.
No Items R
1. I worry what others think about my oral performance in English. .897
5. I‘m wondering if others will mock me. .852
11. I keep quiet because if I say something, I can be mocked. .778
15. I feel constant tension. .775
7. I feel panic because I cannot remember the words or I do not know how to say .701
something. .683
9. I‘m completely confused. .543
3. I‘m blocking myself and I do not know what to say. .500
16. I do not care what others think about my speaking. .456
8. I do not think what others will think or being ridiculed. .433
12. I am completely self-confident. .403
19. I think that everything has to be correct and perfect, and that makes me confused.
13. I‘m afraid what the professor will say and if (s)he corrects me.
17. I think that it‘s better to avoid my English class.
4. Although I feel anxiety (fear, nervousness, tension), it lasts shortly and it is quic-
kly overcome.
10. I do not have a problem at all to say anything even if it‘s incorrectly said.
18. I am completely concentrated on speech and I do not think about anything else.
14. I think that I need to learn something new even if I make a mistake.
6. I speak English as my native language.
It is of a notion in Table 32 that the items having the highest correla-
tions with the factor related to the problem of speaking a foreign language
of students in front of their peers. In further analysis, the association of
summarizing scores on FLSAQ and FLCAS was checked. Pearson correla-
tion coefficient is r = .656 (p <.01), which confirms the good construct va-
lidity of the FLSAQ. Critical validity was also checked, that is, whether FL-
SAQ, which measures anxiety, indicates that anxiety in English speaking
Table 31: Tabular view of applied Horn parallel analysis with data permutation (К =300).
Factor Eigen values Eigen values
of the actual data of the simulative data
2. 5,29 1,63
3. 1,46 1,51
1,02 1,35
Therefore, based on the parallel analysis, it can be concluded the pres-
ence of one factor in the structure of FLSAQ, which explains 57.40% of the
total variance. An outline of the single-factor items structure is given in Ta-
ble 32.
Table 32: Correlation between items and factor.
No Items R
1. I worry what others think about my oral performance in English. .897
5. I‘m wondering if others will mock me. .852
11. I keep quiet because if I say something, I can be mocked. .778
15. I feel constant tension. .775
7. I feel panic because I cannot remember the words or I do not know how to say .701
something. .683
9. I‘m completely confused. .543
3. I‘m blocking myself and I do not know what to say. .500
16. I do not care what others think about my speaking. .456
8. I do not think what others will think or being ridiculed. .433
12. I am completely self-confident. .403
19. I think that everything has to be correct and perfect, and that makes me confused.
13. I‘m afraid what the professor will say and if (s)he corrects me.
17. I think that it‘s better to avoid my English class.
4. Although I feel anxiety (fear, nervousness, tension), it lasts shortly and it is quic-
kly overcome.
10. I do not have a problem at all to say anything even if it‘s incorrectly said.
18. I am completely concentrated on speech and I do not think about anything else.
14. I think that I need to learn something new even if I make a mistake.
6. I speak English as my native language.
It is of a notion in Table 32 that the items having the highest correla-
tions with the factor related to the problem of speaking a foreign language
of students in front of their peers. In further analysis, the association of
summarizing scores on FLSAQ and FLCAS was checked. Pearson correla-
tion coefficient is r = .656 (p <.01), which confirms the good construct va-
lidity of the FLSAQ. Critical validity was also checked, that is, whether FL-
SAQ, which measures anxiety, indicates that anxiety in English speaking