Page 201 - Štremfel, Urška, and Maša Vidmar (eds.). 2018. Early School Leaving: Training Perspectives. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut.
P. 201
Overview of Innovative Online Trainings
for Educators
Tina Vršnik Perše and Maša Vidmar
The professional development of educators for addressing ESL can
be successfully supported by online trainings or other forms based
on ICT. Currently, several online training platforms for educators
exist across Europe and globally, but evaluation studies are lacking
to help highlight best practices in the field.
The purpose of this paper is to highlight information on existing
approaches and resources based on ICT that could be successful in
the field of educators’ professional development. This could be ad-
dressed by the online teacher training platforms that are implement-
ed as traditional online courses, as video observation of the existing
practices or as a set of exercises for gaining knowledge and compe-
tencies. Any of these can also be complemented with face-to-face in-
teractions. Online or computer-based environments are flexible and
easily accessible opportunities that provide access anytime and any-
place to case materials that can be used for learning new content or
methods, for observing real-time situations and for (self)reflection
and thus for developing the competencies needed for improving the
practice of educators and, by so doing, for reducing the risk factors
for students at risk of ESL.
Overview of Innovative Online Trainings
for Educators
Tina Vršnik Perše and Maša Vidmar
The professional development of educators for addressing ESL can
be successfully supported by online trainings or other forms based
on ICT. Currently, several online training platforms for educators
exist across Europe and globally, but evaluation studies are lacking
to help highlight best practices in the field.
The purpose of this paper is to highlight information on existing
approaches and resources based on ICT that could be successful in
the field of educators’ professional development. This could be ad-
dressed by the online teacher training platforms that are implement-
ed as traditional online courses, as video observation of the existing
practices or as a set of exercises for gaining knowledge and compe-
tencies. Any of these can also be complemented with face-to-face in-
teractions. Online or computer-based environments are flexible and
easily accessible opportunities that provide access anytime and any-
place to case materials that can be used for learning new content or
methods, for observing real-time situations and for (self)reflection
and thus for developing the competencies needed for improving the
practice of educators and, by so doing, for reducing the risk factors
for students at risk of ESL.