Page 223 - Štremfel, Urška, and Maša Vidmar (eds.). 2018. Early School Leaving: Contemporary European Perspectives. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut.
P. 223
how teacher-teacher and teacher-student cooperation link with achievement ...

to (higher) student achievement. However, investigations of ILSA data were
unable to clearly identify teacher characteristics and classroom practices
that could be directly linked to an improvement in student learning. For
example, using TIMSS 2003 data Akiba (2007) found that teacher varia-
bles like education and experience are positively related to student out-
comes across 46 countries. Similarly, Liang, Zhang, Huang, Shi and Qiao
(2015) used TIMSS 2003, 2007 and 2011 data to show a positive association
between the national maths achievement and the percentages of students
whose teachers had participated in professional development. In contrast,
Luschei and Chudgar (2011) reported they found only limited evidence that
teacher characteristics are related to student achievement.

As discussed by Schleicher (2016), teaching is a complex task that in-
volves interactions with a great variety of learners in a wide range of differ-
ent circumstances and so there is not one single set of teacher attributes and
behaviours that is universally effective for all types of students and learn-
ing environments. The lack of a strong relationship between teacher char-
acteristics and student achievement in the ILSA studies may be due to the
complexity and diversity of teacher professionalism and not all the facets of
teacher professionalism being equally efficient (ibid.).

This paper presents a literature review of studies using ILSA data to
address the associations between teacher-teacher or teacher-student coop-
eration and student achievement. In the next section, we present the meth-
ods used in the search. The results of our search first present a review of
conceptual understanding of the teacher-teacher and teacher-student co-
operation that are then followed by research findings on the associations of
each type of cooperation with student achievement. Finally, some conclu-
sions are given.

Methods of research
The initial challenge in performing a literature search in this paper is a con-
ceptual one. Due to their design, ILSA studies provide a broad overview of
the state of affairs in education systems, making it is impossible to derive
thorough definitions or measurements of individual background concepts.
This is also the case for the concepts of teacher-teacher and teacher-stu-
dent cooperation and therefore our search for literature was somewhat con-
strained. More specifically, for the literature search to produce results, the
terms entered in the search related to teacher-teacher and teacher-student
cooperation in the broadest sense, most notably including collaboration

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