Page 155 - Štremfel, Urška, ed., 2016. Student (Under)achievement: Perspectives, Approaches, Challenges. Ljubljana: Pedagoški inštitut. Digital Library, Documenta 11.
P. 155
arenting and Teaching Styles 155
as Support or an Obstacle
to Children´s Learning

Tina Rutar Leban

Abstract: This paper deals with relationships between the teaching and parenting
styles encountered by children and adolescents and their performance in a school
environment. The focus is on analyses of results obtained in studies that examined
the effects of the teaching and parenting styles adopted by parents, teachers and
other adults of significance to children in relation to various aspects of children’s
development. In spite of numerous studies of teaching and parenting styles, rela-
tionships between this domain and children’s or adolescents’ performance remain
largely unresearched. A particular focus of the paper is on two models of parent-
ing style highlighted in most of the studies in this field. The main part of the paper
presents the results of two studies conducted in Slovenia, as part of which the re-
lationships between styles of upbringing, as experienced by adolescents, and ad-
olescents’ performance in two international comparative assessment studies, i.e.
PISA 2006 and ESLC 2011, were researched. The results of the analyses conducted
(based on Slovenian data) reveal the higher performance of adolescents, in the
two aforementioned studies, is related mainly to a higher level of autonomy and
adolescents’ participation in the process of making important decisions in life, as
well as parents’ or teachers’ demandingness.
Key words: teaching style, parenting style, performance in school, parents, teach-
ers, students, pupils

Styles of Upbringing

A style of upbringing is a compound of socialisation processes used by par-
ents and other adults in relationship with children when bringing them up. The
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