Page 188 - Gabrijela Kišiček and Igor Ž. Žagar (eds.), What do we know about the world? Rhetorical and argumentative perspectives, Digital Library, Educational Research Institute, Ljubljana 2013
P. 188
What Do We Know about the World?

guage) “with its top in the heavens”. This, in turn, angered God and, as a
punishment, he confused their languages. Further, supporters of the EU
are considered to be non-baptized beasts, human sacrifices on altars are
made, etc. The conservative point of view is manifested through an un-
willingness to be multicultural, to accept differences (we are going to de-
pend on some maharajas), and the European Union is seen as a dungeon
and a tunnel of darkness. Europhiles are oriented to the future and to lib-
eral, progressive attitudes which are reflected in metaphors grounded in
growth, progress, and change (Croatia is opening its doors, Croatia is a
fertile ground). The EU is seen as the light at the end of the tunnel, and the
most elite club in the world. For Europhobes, Croatian citizens will be
slaves (again, returning to the past) and for Europhiles they will be crea-
tors of the European destiny (something new, challenging).

Table 2: Metaphors in speeches of Europhobes and Europhiles

Europhobes Europhiles
If Croatia decides to become a member of The path toward the European Union was
the EU in this referendum, then this will be covered with thorns (J. Kosor, HDZ, former
the victory of non baptized beasts and viscious prime minister)
thieves (I. Vekić, former minister internal af-
fairs) By becoming a member, Croatia is returning
Croatia is entering the tunnel of darkness (D. to its cultural and historic roots (I. Josipović,
Srb, HSP) president)
We can finally see the light at the end of the
Croatians will be slaves in the EU (R. tunnel (J. Kosor, HDZ, former prime mi-
Tomašić, HSP – AS) nister)
Croatian citizens will be creators of Europe’s
Croatia cannot and must not sacrifice its destiny (V. Pusić, foreign affair minister)
best people on the altar of the EU (H. Hi-
trec, representative of civil organization The claim that the EU is a third Yugoslavia is
HRAST) an example of political blindness (V. Pusić, fo-
Croatia needs to understand that games are reign affair minister)
played in Bruxelles (M. Tuđman, HIP) Croatia is not giving up its independence,
Croatia is investing its independence in Europe
The EU is the Tower of Babel (M. Francisko- (I. Josipović, president)
vić, representative of civil organization “Be Croatia is opening the doors of Europe for
brave”) all other countries in the region (J. Kosor,
The EU is the dungeon for Croatian people HDZ, former prime minister)
(M. Francisković, representative of civil or-
ganization “Be brave”)
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