Page 186 - Gabrijela Kišiček and Igor Ž. Žagar (eds.), What do we know about the world? Rhetorical and argumentative perspectives, Digital Library, Educational Research Institute, Ljubljana 2013
P. 186
What Do We Know about the World?

Europhobes Europhiles

We need to wake up our national consciousness This [i.e. not becoming a EU member],
(D. Srb, HSP) of course, would be catastrophic for Croatia
(V. Pusić, minister of foreign affairs)

The referendum is an act of national treason This is a historic day for Croatia (I. Josipović,

The Common Agricultural Policy is Croatia has a historic chance (Z. Milanović,
nothing but a scam which is going to chase prime minister)
the Croatian milkman to grave

Exploitation will result in Croatian tears A new age is dawning for Croatia (I. Josipo-
vić, president)

The EU is union of enslaved countries We are witnesses of a historic event (J. Kosor,
HDZ, former prime minister)

Absurd and humiliating results of poll whi- It was a great honor to work for Croatia for
ch demonstrate that the people of Croa- the past two years and to reach this historic
tia have no idea what the EU means (P. Ma- success (J. Kosor, HDZ, former prime
cut, HSP) minister)

Croatia is going to get a new master (I. Vekić, By becoming a member Croatia is returning
former minister of internal affairs) to its cultural and historic roots (I. Josipović,

They say that we are filthy Balkans who It would be irresponsible to miss this opportu-
oppose the shine of the EU (representative of nity for our children and grandchildren
civil organization) (I. Josipović, president)

Simple people are going to bear all the weight We are going to be the central part of Europe
of the economic crisis (L. Iličić representati- (N. Vidošević, president of HGK)
ve of civil organization HRAST)
The referendum about joining the EU is a The EU is a community of values and that is
humiliation of democracy (L. Iličić, representa- what Croatia shares with it and what Croatia
tive of civil organization HRAST) believes in (H. Marušić, assistant of forgein
affairs minister)
EU funds are nothing but fraud (R. Šikić, We have to believe in ourselves, have confi-
representative of civil organization “I love dence and decide for the EU because it is the
Croatia”) most elite club in the world (A. Plenković, state
secretary for European integrations)
In the EU, we will become a bunch of people Vote for the future of your country. You may
without identity (M. Francisković), represen- not like me, but you have to like your life. Pe-
tative of civil organization “Be brave”) ople, it is our life that is in question (V. Pusić,
foreign affairs minister)
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