Page 49 - Šolsko polje, XXX, 2019, št. 5-6: Civic, citizenship and rhetorical education in a rapidly changing world, eds. Janja Žmavc and Plamen Mirazchiyski
P. 49
m. banjac ■ knowledge on political participation among basic school pupils

tions. For example, in the definition of the school subject, the curriculum
states that the pupils gain basic knowledge about “political system, social
principles and rules of public and political life in Slovenia as a democratic,
legal and social state” (Ministrstvo za šolstvo in šport, 2011, p. 5). Political
participation is at least a little bit more concretely mentioned in the sec-
tion about general objectives of the school subject. Here, the general aim
of pupils’ active participation in social life is defined and, under this gen-
eral aim, some specific aims related to the political participation are men-
tioned, such as promoting democratic procedures within the school and
wherever possible, preparing for participation in electoral process and re-
sponsible and critical citizenship.

While curriculum is rather shy about political participation in its in-
troduction, it is a theme more substantially and concretely developed in
the curriculum’s presentation of the topics covered by the school subject.
The topics are divided into seven distinct sections, four in Year 7 and three
in Year 8 of the basic school. Political participation is more or less equally
distributed in both years, but the complexity of the topic is increasing by
year. So, in Year 7, pupils are acquainted with the political participation
already from the very beginning, within the section entitled “Individu-
al, Community, State” and especially “Community of citizens of the Re-
public of Slovenia” (Ministrstvo za šolstvo in šport, 2011). In the latter sec-
tion, for example, pupils are acquainted with topics such as the political
system of the Republic of Slovenia and possibilities of citizens to partici-
pate democratically in the political processes at the national level. Politi-
cal participation is also addressed in Year 8, within the topic “Democracy
at close range” where this topic is additionally expanded and comprehen-
sively elaborated (Ministrstvo za šolstvo in šport, 2011). In Year 8, various
types of possible participative actions of individuals and communities are
also addressed in the sections that cover the European Union and interna-
tional as well as global socio-political environment.

National assessment of knowledge – systematisation
and methodology

The National Assessment of Knowledge: its systematization
and implementation
The National Assessment of Knowledge (NAK) is now a well established
process forming an indispensable part of the basic school system in Slo-
venia. It is a process implemented every school year in such a way that
all pupils in the country complete the same tests on the same day under
the same conditions. The NAK offers to pupils feedback on their specif-

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