Page 20 - Šolsko polje, XXX, 2019, št. 5-6: Civic, citizenship and rhetorical education in a rapidly changing world, eds. Janja Žmavc and Plamen Mirazchiyski
P. 20
šolsko polje, letnik xxx, številka 5–6

Although Key Competences for Lifelong Learning (European Com-
mission, 2006) announced significant changes and transition to compe-
tence based education across Europe, not all elements of the educational
systems were ready to follow that path. Tertiary level and higher educa-
tion institution, in particular, have a very slow and heavy pace in imple-
menting changes due to the large size and complexity of the system. Nev-
ertheless, this European document was “translated” into the Croatian
national system in the years following and its echo has become a part of
all reform endeavours.

Teachers in the Croatian educational system can be systematized, in
a very broad way, in two groups by their educational paths: (1) those com-
ing from Teacher faculties and (2) those coming from all other higher ed-
ucation institutions; and in four groups by the age of students to which
they teach: a) preschool teachers at ISCED 0, b) homeroom teachers for
students up to the age of 10 or fourth grade of elementary school, ISCED
1, c) teachers of subject classes for students in grades 5 to 8 of elementary
school and all years of secondary school, ISCED 2 and 3 and d) teachers
teaching at the tertiary level or students enrolled in university and other
forms of higher education programs, ISCED 4 and higher. Teachers com-
ing from Teacher faculties (1) correspond to teaching in ISCED levels 0
and 1 (a and b) and teachers coming from all other higher education in-
stitutions correspond to those teaching particular subjects in elementa-
ry and high school or becoming tertiary level teachers (c and d). Focus-
ing only on school teachers, the first group has additional conditions in
the form of a two year supervised practice during the study, passing for-
mal qualification exam and a one year probation period when they start
working. The second group of teachers finish studies in some science area
(for example, Geography, Mathematics, foreign languages etc.) upgraded
with an additional group of classes in pedagogy and methods for the ti-
tle “professor”. When they join elementary and/or secondary schools to
teach their respective subjects (i.e. Geography, Mathematics, foreign lan-
guage at ISCED 2 or 3) they also have to have a one year internship or pro-
bation program. Teachers at the tertiary level have to go through a set of
preparatory academic positions on their way to achieving scientific doc-
toral title and independence in organizing classes for HE students. Fo-
cusing on ISCED 2 and 3 teachers, there are none obligatory continuous
professional trainings or certification processes after achieving their titles
and school positions. A lack of a formal rewarding system for the high

political systems, Responsible internet use (e.g. privacy, source reliability, social media),
Critical and independent thinking, Conflict resolution, European Union. (Databases
available at:
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