Page 98 - Šolsko polje, XXXI, 2020, 3-4: Convention on the Rights of the Child: Educational Opportunities and Social Justice, eds. Zdenko Kodelja and Urška Štremfel
P. 98
šolsko polje, letnik xxxi, številka 3–4

to participation encountered by vulnerable children (as in Fraser’s (2001,
2003) understanding of fair equality of opportunities under the recogni-
tion approach).

Another important angle of the children’s insights into which fac-
tors influence the level of informedness about participation is the en-
gagement of teachers and their way of presenting participation topics.
Children believe that those who are taught by motivated teachers who
use child-friendly language and innovative methods (like technology) to
present the topics are better informed.

It depends on each individual, each teacher individually. (Khloe, 14 years,
elementary school 6)

And also, we are more interested in what is for example on the comput-
ers, videos, YouTube … we are more familiar with that than with text-
books and books and newspapers and that. (Miha, 14 years, elementary
school 6)

Moreover, vulnerable children often felt that the language used by
teachers is too professional and demanding, meaning they cannot under-
stand the teacher’s explanation and wish they would use more child-friend-
ly language.

Yes, with words that are better known to you, just like you would speak
at home. Because teachers use technical terms every time when they ex-
plain things to you. Because you really don’t know what they mean, you
need to google things and then explain the term them to yourself and
then you know. (Jasna, 14 years, NGO 1)

The children were convinced that if teachers are sensitive to the vul-
nerability of individuals, recognise their strengths and adapt their teach-
ing approach to certain children’s needs, this leads to greater informed-
ness. This then increases their opportunities to participate.

Yes, it depends on the teachers, some of them just say something and no-
body understands anything, because there are such technical terms and
some really take the time and talk about it, so that we can understand.
Yet, I had a bad experience in elementary school, and I didn’t understand
what she was saying. We were making just some posters and we were
copying .... (Violica, 17 years, NGO 1)

Which group of children calls the shots?

Child forums are some of the most frequently used child participation
practices in schools (class community, school community, the Children’s

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